Koi thread


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 15, 2014
I couldn't find any koi threads so this might be the only one... In that case :wootwelcome to the koi thread

now you have a place to talk about your koi on BYC :D
Have fun and post away! :bun

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I just got my newest koi yesterday and brought him home only to find out he had a small deformity on his fin. It seems to be that it's shriveled up. I was hoping to raise and sell him but now I'm not sure he'd be worth much. But then again if the buyer isn't interested in showing him he'd make a great addition to any koi pond! Other than his one fin he's show quality. :) he's having troubles adjusting to his temporary home in my fountain though (Once I section off a spot in my koi pond he will live in there). I want him to be separate so I don't have as much trouble catching him for measurement and so I can monitor how much he eats.
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