Ladies over 30 Years of Age

Speaking of "tasteful" tatooes.....

When I still lived in WV there was a girl with a snake tatooed on her neck, ALL the way around her neck ! She transferred to our store from CA. She happened to work full time in the delli....... (five days a week)

Store management could not figure out why the sales in the deli had all of the sudden fallen off so badly.....

Then they realized that for some reason, 2 days of the week sales were normal, but for 5 days of the week, sales were to say the least, very dismal. Management still didn't have a clue.....

When a customer finally called the home office and complained about the "tatooed weirdo" working in the deli our store manager finally figured out she was not an asset to the deli !

When management asked her if she wanted to work in another department in the store AND cover up the snake tatoo, she transferred back to CA. She said tatooes were acceptable there, so she was leaving WV !

ps. I am sorry but while she worked in the deli, I didn't buy sandwiches on those work days either
Since you have a DH, you shouldn't date guys even if the don't have tattoos.
Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

LOL well I meant that as a general rule I DIDNT date guys with tats. I did date one guy that had a corny one, Tom (from Tom and Jerry) in a confident relaxed pose on his was VEYR fitting to his personality and I loved it. He got one that I had drwan for him done on the back of his neck...2 years later when he was married to the girl he cheated on me with... that was just weird...she still doesnt know I drew that tattoo... so stupid of him...
it depends, my now ex has a wolf on his shoulder thats pretty cool. But the broken heart over his heart he got after his divorce (while we were dating mind you) I really didnt care for

As long as its just a couple tastefully done and not covering yards of flesh its ok.
No, I don't like them as a general rule. But if I liked a man who had one, I would overlook it. In this day and age, tattoos are more the norm and all kinds of interesting people have them.

I HATE goofy ones. If they have something spiritual like a wolf or a feather, I might like it.
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Yes tasteful tats or ones of special importance and meaning...not the "I love mom" or a woman's name or cartoon stuff. Nothing rude and crude. I love tribal tats.
Depends on the man & the tat. My DH has 3. Two are hearts, one on each upper arm. R arm has a heart w/ banner that says "Harold" (his name, obviously) and L arm has same heart w/ banner reading "Mom and Dad" . These I have no problem with; they're merely symbols. The other one, not so much -- it's his ex-wife's name...
He's considered getting it covered with a black panther or something that would totally obliterate the "Mary Jane", but rather than risk any complications or transmitted diseases, I can live with her name on his arm. I look at it more as a monument to youthful stupidity...
I see a few, and I do mean A FEW, tats that are well done and are works of art. Most of them are just generic looking and poorly done. I have to say, and maybe it's a bit prejudiced, that as a general rule I do NOT think tattoos look good on most women. (especially not the "sleeves" ...
Tattoo’s don’t bother me as long as there are not a lot of them. I have two myself, but you would never know it unless I am wearing a swimsuit or certain clothes. I am not ashamed of them or anything but I got them when I was in the military and of course they couldn’t be “seen”.

As far as on a man, I would love it if my DH would get one. Nothing big or gaudy, just a nice piece of art on his arm or shoulder.

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