Lame drake

Thanks for your replies.

We’ll keep going with drugs and soaks....

He’s normally sat on a towel in my kitchen watching the others potter about through the patio windows.

He’s been relocated while a prospective buyer comes to view my crapping up the kitchen units is an art he’s perfected!

We kept going with soaks and 2 days ago when I lifted him out sink I noticed a difference in appearance of lump. It was white and squishy and quite tall, rather than dark, hard and flat. I took my scalpel to it and with hardly any effort a round scab with a hole in the middle came away - a bit of a squeeze and some disgusting browny gunk followed.

Skin left underneath was bright pink. I’d ran out of spray, so I covered it in Tea Tree oil and put a compeed blister plaster on it.

He’s been trying so hard to keep up with the girls but when he walks his foot and hock are flat on floor. His joint is still hot and swollen and his foot curls in the way, like he’s leaning on the outside of it.

He’s eating, drinking and generally behaving as badly as he normally does - but I can’t help thinking the hock joint is gubbed and improvement is unlikely.

Monday will be the beginning of week four....

We kept going with soaks and 2 days ago when I lifted him out sink I noticed a difference in appearance of lump. It was white and squishy and quite tall, rather than dark, hard and flat. I took my scalpel to it and with hardly any effort a round scab with a hole in the middle came away - a bit of a squeeze and some disgusting browny gunk followed.

Skin left underneath was bright pink. I’d ran out of spray, so I covered it in Tea Tree oil and put a compeed blister plaster on it.

He’s been trying so hard to keep up with the girls but when he walks his foot and hock are flat on floor. His joint is still hot and swollen and his foot curls in the way, like he’s leaning on the outside of it.

He’s eating, drinking and generally behaving as badly as he normally does - but I can’t help thinking the hock joint is gubbed and improvement is unlikely.

Monday will be the beginning of week four....
Sorry it might be time to put him down if he is suffering from pain...
He really seems to be doing lots better. Tho we don't want him to be in pain, like @chickens really said, we should keep watching it.....cuz the progress you are making is fantastic!:celebrate My drake (when he had bumble foot) was lots slower and I could tell he was in some pain. Now is is good as new(with a lot of added weight;)). His bumble foot is gone and he is fast a lighting(not really). I think if you keep doing what you are doing, before putting him down, is great! Good luck and keep up the good work!:thumbsup
Have you given him antibiotic along with this treatment when it’s that far involved antibiotics may be needed. Plus he doesn’t need to be trying to keep up with his girls he needs to be kept where he can walk around but rest and heal.i order Baytri on line to have just in case.
hi again

I took him back to the Vet this morning. Got a much younger vet who seemed more familiar with Bumblefoot and how tricky it can be.

She’s not for giving up on him yet.
We have another week of antibiotics and Loxicom.

I have come to a compromise with him. He sleeps in kitchen at night and we built him wee pen in the garden for the day shift. The girls come and sleep alongside him.

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