Large Pekin prone to

Oh my! I had 2 ducks come down with bumblefoot, so I took a serious look at my coop , run, pool, etc. I was able to make several small changes (and 1 big one). Since then, ove only had 1 case of mild bumblefoot that I know I could have prevented.

After $700, I'm sure you've done the same. What did you find? I tried sanding anything wood that they might possibly cone into contact with, changing my substrate, removing rocks from their pasture (THAT took foreverrrrr), and moving the duck pool closer so they wouldn't have to walk as far over our uneven ground.
My goodness: a rescue and $700 vetinery bills!!!

In your situation, I would follow @Aunt Angus procedure for reducing the risk of injury and bumblefoot.

I wouldn't use bootees long term as there is a big risk of fungal and other infection inside a wet and potentially poopy bootee
My goodness: a rescue and $700 vetinery bills!!!

In your situation, I would follow @Aunt Angus procedure for reducing the risk of injury and bumblefoot.

I wouldn't use bootees long term as there is a big risk of fungal and other infection inside a wet and potentially poopy bootee
Yes. She went 2x the mesds the second time were $250 and that was from Chewy!
It's definitely worth while having a duck medical box or cabinet. We've added to it over time and now have everything ranging from electrolyte/probiotics, to vitamin b complex and calcium gluconate, vetricyn, and now even bandages and tube feeding equipment for big emergencies. I like having everything on hand so there's less of a sense of urgency if an emergency or unexpected injury comes up.

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