Lavender Ameraucana Breeders .... UNITE

Man my phone takes crappy pics

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I've got my first broody lav of the season. I set her up with a dozen Ancona duck eggs (because I suck at hatching duck eggs). I hope the rest hold off long enough to get a decent number of chicks hatched out first. Last year they fell like dominoes
I get to participate on this thread now. Yay! I have 6 wonderful chicks from DMRippy's eggs and also a Lav and Black trio from crystalcreek.
I pretty much love ALL lavender birds and a plus point is these lay beautiful blue eggs.

The aim is to have two pens. One with a lav roo and one with a split back. Probably the only time I am hoping for a roo, lol.
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I get to participate on this thread now. Yay! I have 6 wonderful chicks from DMRippy's eggs and also a Lav and Black trio from crystalcreek.
I pretty much love ALL lavender birds and a plus point is these lay beautiful blue eggs.

The aim is to have two pens. One with a lav roo and one with a split back. Probably the only time I am hoping for a roo, lol.
Crystalcreek had some NICE birds.

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