Lavender Ameraucana Breeders .... UNITE

You may see some of my birds there. I think my one relative may show there this year. Harry
He is in TX isn't he? A bit of a drive, but it a great show. High powered competition for such an out-of-the-way show. If he needs directions or anything, feel free to have him contact me. Will he be going to Shawnee, OK? That might be a good one for him, though I keep hearing references to the "Oklahoma mafia" when it comes to who wins.
Absolutely GORGEOUS roo, Donna!

Jess Kemp was the lady I made contact with last week. First person I've called or emailed in 14 months that has answered or replied with any desire to help me get started with true, good stock out of everyone I've been referred to. Very sweet lady! Hopefully she'll find time soon to reply back to me as I'll drive wherever I need to drive and pay whatever I need to pay to end this very long and trying experience.

I'll give up a bit more info here, as I now see that you all are sincerely NOT like the other forum I left before coming here:
The son I speak of that's really, really interested in these birds in particular is autistic (Aspergers). It has become a special interest of his; he spends hours of free time looking them up on the internet, has printed out pictures and taped them all over his room, has even written two research papers about Lavs and all the issues breeders are still facing regarding combs, feathers, wild recessive carry-overs, etc...and that's why I've been so persistent. He's going to be 10 this July. He's gotten involved in the local 4-H Club through school as soon as we moved here - where we moved from had a program, but it was very small and very inconsistent compared to this program. I guess that's the difference between a city area versus a rural area. ;-)

The chickens we have, he'll sit with for hours on weekends and play with, give treats, and pet. He's tamed almost all of them - even the roos - and they all come scampering when he gets off the bus in the afternoons as soon as they hear his voice and start fussing for him. He's really the reason our flock has become so easy-going and sweet. Even the OEGB I bought for my oldest son to show and breed (his favorites) have become my middle son's pets. People talk about how flighty or mean they can be - especially the roos - but not with him. The roo will perch on his shoulder while he's filling their feeder and waterer. I don't know if it's his care and intense admiration for chickens in general, or if they somehow sense that he's "different people" - but either way, it's one of the coolest things to watch. His connection to "his birds" has helped him come out of his shell and make some major progress in his development. Just 2 years ago, this child wasn't self-confident at all, wouldn't make eye contact, and to get him to write anything was a week-long fight to get the first word to be written down. Since he laid eyes on these birds when I was researching what breeds we wanted to get into, he's been off and running full-speed ahead and won't relent. His impatience is partly the reason why I've had patience issues for the last 14 months. Meltdowns over not being able to get any chicks or started birds for him have been difficult - thankfully, I have a therapist for that. :)

I didn't want to off-put anyone here or make anyone feel like I was shouldering my way into something that all of you are very experienced and passionate about. I'm glad those of you who have been so helpful in this thread with me have been patient with me. True, I'd love to be able to offer others these beautiful birds eventually myself - but it's more of a push from a very intensely-interested child who has found a motivation/interest that I can actually have a connection with now, whereas before - he was like a withdrawn toddler. He's the reason I'm researching everything I can find, getting involved in showing, and willing to drive or pay whatever it takes...I want my son to realize his dream, and knowing that dream and its progression has been a way for me to actually have a relationship with this unique boy of mine has been well-worth it.

Sorry if I got sappy...I'm actually wiping tears...I apologize for not being more forthcoming with why I've been so persistent for so long everywhere I've called, emailed, or posted.
WOW... that is great he can connect like that. If I had any started birds or chicks they would be your for sure..... I just don't. I have an order for some chicks and I can hatch you some after that.... BUT they Carry rec white so you could have white chicks pop up if you breed them. I am really only hatching right now for the whites so you are welcome to the Lavs and splits if you want them... but it would be a month or so before they hatch. I am in Nashville so not as far from you as Ana or Jess and you will not hurt my feelings if you get birds from them too or instead but they are yours if you want them. I don't need any more chicks, but I could use some whites and they lavs and splits are just a bonus
kynewbchickie, that is a great story! I also have a child on the spectrum (PDDNOS, which is a frustrating diagnosis), and initially got Inti chickens for similar reasons. He hasn't connected with them like I had initially thought he was, but I can so relate with what you wrote and your emotion behind it :hugs BYC is a great group of people, I think you will have a much better experience here.
Hello Newbchick

I know how you feel. There is a guy on here named Snowbird. I just received 6 Lavenders from him. Try contacting him or John Bhlem . They are both very nice men and they both know God. I think you will be very happy with their chicks. I too purchased some EErs. that were touted as Amercaunas . I too am a newbie . Most of the time I find these people very kind and knowledgeable.

Don't be discouraged. I know I was for a while. Now I have some chicks and enjoy them very much.
WOW... that is great he can connect like that. If I had any started birds or chicks they would be your for sure..... I just don't. I have an order for some chicks and I can hatch you some after that.... BUT they Carry rec white so you could have white chicks pop up if you breed them. I am really only hatching right now for the whites so you are welcome to the Lavs and splits if you want them... but it would be a month or so before they hatch. I am in Nashville so not as far from you as Ana or Jess and you will not hurt my feelings if you get birds from them too or instead but they are yours if you want them. I don't need any more chicks, but I could use some whites and they lavs and splits are just a bonus

I don't know that Jess will have time to get back to me - she sounded very, very busy when I spoke with her which is understandable! Another poster on the boards here said something to the effect that it looks "bad" on breeders when they don't respond - I'd say that may be true during the slower months, but I spoke up on y'all's behalf and let it be known that right now, everyone is slammed busy with their birds, shows, hatches, etc - so I know better than to hold anything against anyone. I remember what it was like during foaling and calving season - we were lucky to sleep. ;-)

I've got a really close lead on some Lav/Split chicks and I told them I'd give Jess until Wednesday to email me back before I let them know about babies. I've got a nice brooder setup in the basement - I just haven't had the ability to track down a quality bator/turner in my area. Most farm supply stores here sell cheaper equipment and we all know if we can find better, we can afford better for the best results. That's why I haven't gotten eggs yet. Thank you so much for your offer and I'll be able to let you all know by Wed night if I'm going to go the chick route to get started. I'd like to give Jess adequate time to get back to me so I'll definitely be in touch with all of you.

Thanks again, from the bottom of my heart!
kynewbchickie, that is a great story! I also have a child on the spectrum (PDDNOS, which is a frustrating diagnosis), and initially got Inti chickens for similar reasons. He hasn't connected with them like I had initially thought he was, but I can so relate with what you wrote and your emotion behind it
BYC is a great group of people, I think you will have a much better experience here.
I already have! Here I'm not seeing open jokes about how someone "duped" someone else on birds. And everyone seems genuinely interested in helping us get started which is a definite bonus. The energy of this forum is definitely different from the other one I'd been in and I know it takes great members to make that happen.
Hello Newbchick

I know how you feel. There is a guy on here named Snowbird. I just received 6 Lavenders from him. Try contacting him or John Bhlem . They are both very nice men and they both know God. I think you will be very happy with their chicks. I too purchased some EErs. that were touted as Amercaunas . I too am a newbie . Most of the time I find these people very kind and knowledgeable.

Don't be discouraged. I know I was for a while. Now I have some chicks and enjoy them very much.
Thanks for the recommendation!
I just hatched 5 lovely Lavenders from bargain (BYC name on here). If you have the option of hatching, I would recommed her! Very nice to work with as well.

On another note, if I were to post pictures of 6 week olds, would some (more experienced sexers) have a good idea at telling what they are? Also, does someone have pictures to show correct feather vs problem feathers? Thanks so much
I just hatched 5 lovely Lavenders from bargain (BYC name on here). If you have the option of hatching, I would recommed her! Very nice to work with as well.

On another note, if I were to post pictures of 6 week olds, would some (more experienced sexers) have a good idea at telling what they are? Also, does someone have pictures to show correct feather vs problem feathers? Thanks so much :)

I concur. :bow From Half dozen purchased I hatched 6 of the seven she sent. Well that's not quite true since the hatching date conflicted with a trip out of state my new friend Chickee actually completed the hatch for me. Chicks are 2 weeks now and doing fabulously.


Huge thanks to Nancy and Candy. Both of these ladies were invaluable to me.

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