Lavender Orpington project ....

Someone IS working on them as far as I know, as a matter of fact they`re trying to sell eggs on Ebay

I've got some about to hatch in the bator now. They are split lavender australorps from a cross between black aussies and a lavender orp.

Oooh, pretty. Can't wait to see your progress on them.
Ahh well that sucks... why would ya not wanna incubate? I guess maybe you could get a broody to sit on them...would that be cheating? DH made me promise not to hatch out any more different kinds of chicks soooo that means I can still incubate the same types I already have. He is just mad right now because we just moved to a bigger acreage and he is having to build a bunch more coops lol...he'll get over it
Might have something to do with the 300+ chickens she's hatched.

I know Kathy, you are gonna post this ---->

ETA: Seriously, she's trying to reduce her flock, not increase it.
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I love everybody's pics!! Such good looking birds!!

My splits are growing up so fast.. here are some updates

Here is the blue banded chick

And here is the pink banded chick

I've changed my mind, I think they are both girls. Orps keep you on your toes about their gender!
I have a another question:
I have two split black/lav roosters. One was born all black with a tiny bit of white (nomal I think) which became all black when it got its adult feathers. The other one (roo #2) was born with black and some blondish mottling which also turned pure black with its adult feathers.
Does it really matter which one I use for breeding since they both turned all black?
Roo #2 is much bigger and 'Orpy' looking than roo #1 who was born (without mottling) all black so I'd like to use roo #2...I am thinking it shouldn't matter since they will all be either visually black or lavender once thier adult feathers are in. I would think that the mottled chicks if they were lav with a little yellowish would still be all lav once thier adult feathers were in and I could still tell the lavs apart as chicks.
Is it 'bad' to use an initially mottled lav chick in a breeding program?

What do the experts think please?
Here are some pictures of my group(s):

Four week old lavs and splits Darn all those boys~ really wanted girls


My 8 week old pullet and cockerel playing in the dirt with their buff rock hatch mates

An 11 week old split pullet that I decided to keep, she is such a sweetie


I am only keeping a few and going to look to put them back onto an exhibition quality rooster when the time comes, want to see those huge fluffy butts running around the yard!

You are trying to get me in trouble, aren't you!!!!
I am NOT incubating for 5 months! I can do it! Yes I can, yes I can, yes I can!

<<<< in withdrawal >>>>

You know how she's doing? She's getting others to hatch for her....very very sneaky! BTW, I'm planning on setting the end of the month

I didn't realize you were in "recovery". Does that make me an enabler???

Hope I'm not egging you on!
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