Lavender Orpington Thread

Hi! We were hoping that any Lavender Orpington breeders on here could weigh in on how much you sell your fertile hatching eggs for. Any thoughts & input are greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!
P.S. How much do you sell your straight run chicks for?

I won't have a lavender rooster this year, I'm just doing splits, but I was selling chicks for $5 each.

Thank you. I'm sorry for the question, but what are splits? We have 2 gorgeous hens & 2 stunning males. I understand that I will get all lavenders from them. We paid $15 & $20 a piece straight run.
Splits are a result of breeding black to lavender. They will be black chickens carrying one copy of the lavender gene. You need 2 copies to produce lavender, so, if you breed the resulting chicks to a lavender you'll get some lavenders and some blacks. I do this to improve feather quality and add fresh genetics to my flock.

This Is LEO my handsome little roo hes almost 2 months old, and a BYC member gave him to me, heis smarter than my two buff orpington hens.
Mine haven't started laying yet, but I'm eager for them to start!

On another note, does anyone know why my boy Henny has what looks like a white comb tip on his beak? It's quite unsightly and I'm afraid it won't go away, which isn't good because I intend on showing. He's had it ever since he was a chick. None of my others have it, and they all came from the same parents.

It has come off before, and it does bleed. I just want to know what it is and if I can get rid of it. I don't want Fryer, my other Lav Orp, to become the Henny replacement.

My hen is not laying yet either, but I did get a tiny tiny egg today, I wonder if it is her first attempt. This is not a recent pic.
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