layer pellets vs. layer crumbles

There is less processing time in crumble than in pellet.


Really? Because sometimes I notice in the crumbles there are a few whole pellets left - I always just guessed that they made the pellets, then ground them for the crumbles...huh...the feed store I use sells them at the same price though...maybe they do it different at the feed place I use?

the crumble end up on the floor turned into powder and mine wont eat crumbles since i switched to pellets and i have a lot less waste.
That's been my approach and experience.

I don't know about their preference as I've always fed crumbles. The idea is just what you suggest. I figure there's a certain amount of pecking they have to do to satsify their natures and avoid boredom. The more of that peckin action they put into staying fed is that much that they won't be tempted to direct at each other itf they should get cooped up by the weather . . . and it seems to be working fine. Probably other factors at work, such as their coop not being crowded to begin with and so on.

I posted in another thread a few days a go that I haven't observed any problem about waste with the crumbles that others have. My birds seem to treat the feeder as a last resort. If I should spill any when I refill the feeder, they'll scratch and peck up the spilt feed before turning to the feeder. Thinking about it, that may the unintentional but welcome result of some conditioning. When they do get a little scratch (occasionally as a treat, but more commonly to distract and keep them out from underfoot when I have some work to do in the coop) it's on the floor, so maybe they figure anything on the floor is to be be checked out first. I certainly haven't noticed any accumulation of mash or crumbles under or around the feeder.

As far as behavior, they are a curious to the point of peskiness in their way, but get along quite well amongst themselves, and seem quite content with the menu and accommodations.

Next step is to put in their flat screen. Wiring is all in place, I just need to noodle out a way to mount the remote so they can operate it from the roost. Part of me thinks that would add to their contentment, but I can't discount the possibility that they may start fighting over what to watch.
I have used the pellets, but will probably switch back to the crumbles. I have found the pellets and the crumbles to be the same price. I certainly will switch to the crumbles if the pellets are higher. I am paying nearly $20 for a fifty pound bag. This is up from $15 when I started six months ago. If you know how I can get it cheaper, let me know. Please.
I'm in the Pacific NW and the difference in feed prices astounds me! I'm paying about $14 for 50lbs here...
Have you tried your Wally world? Do you have a grainery or a co-op nearby? Usually you can get feed for a considerably less that way... Although with last summer's weather the price of corn is going to hurt us all. Of course once the price of something goes up it never goes back down again.

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I myself prefer mash, its less expensive and I can feed basically the same mix from day one till death the only thing that changes is the protein amount and when they start to lay I add feed grade lime stone in the mix. I'm paying around 8.00 (layer) to 10.00 (starter) for 50 lbs (sometimes a little more but not often)

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