Lebanon Oregon Hatchery

The owner Suzanne at the Lebbanon Hatchery said quote "I dont us those I import procedures, I get them in when I get my horses from Holland."

To LEGALLY import poultry stock (including hatching eggs), the originating flock must be tested over time to be free of diseases and certified by a veterinarian before they or their eggs can be exported to the US. The reason for this is the US does not wish to bring poultry pathogens or other diseases into the US that could infect our flocks or risk the spread of pathogens such as bird flu virus. With the risk of bird flu, the USDA has severely clamped down on importation of any species that would increase the risk to the US of bringing this virus into the US.

Presently, this results in very prohibitive costs to fulfill USDA requirements for legal poultry importation, running in the thousands or tens of thousands of dollars for a single shipment of viable stock, and then only if the proper permitting would be issued and the stock or eggs would survive legal quarantine that is required upon arrival. There is very good reason for this, as bird flu and other poultry diseases could devastate domestic poultry flocks.

The USDA is serious about protecting our livestock. Their agents are on the watch for eBay, eggbid, and other sources where people may try to obtain live material for import into the US illegally. They are monitoring the hobbyist bulletin boards where members discuss such attempts. They are quietly interviewing people behind the scenes to determine parties involved in illegal activities. And when they find those people, they are assessing huge fines. If you are determined to have illegal stock, they have the authority to destroy your entire flock and flocks in your surrounding area, too.

Congress passed the Animal Health Protection Act as part of the 2002 Farm Bill. The Act consolidates more than 20 animal quarantine and related laws. In addition, it increases APHIS' authority to deter people from deliberately bringing into the United States prohibited animals, animal products, and even animal disease agents. The maximum fines for deliberate violations of APHIS’ import regulations have increased from $1,000 per violation to $50,000 per violation for individuals and up to $500,000 for companies.

Get them and risk quite a bit...
They import illegal birds, what does everybody not get?!!!! You risk getting foreign infected stock going through her... So go ahead but I am sure your children wont mind spending time in hospitals trying to firgure out why they have some odd illness. Its because of careless behavior with breeders like her.
Honestly I don't really think that they are imported...I got an EE from her that was advertised as a Ameraucana. I think that is she was for real than she would have advertised it as a Easter Egger or have actual Ameraucana's. I think that they are just ordered from a hatchery and then resold.. I'm thinking she just says they are imported so she can charge more and make them sound more appealing.
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partially you are completely right, its called drop shipping. The chicks have to be shipped twice usually in her case.

In other cases some of the rare birds she claims to illegally imported them, she admitted it to me. Maybe she is lying and like you said making it sound better but I personally spoke with her and she said she imports horses and when she does she brings some of the rarer stock with them....I dont know about her, other stories to come!
She also told me that she gets the birds when she imports horses. She also said that some of them she has gotten from birds that her family has always breed. I picked up a bird from her and it just doesn't seem like she has a facility to so...Kinda small..

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