Leg Band Injury


7 Years
Nov 16, 2016
Hello BYC Community,

Yesterday a friend of mine rescued two young hen friends that each have leg band injuries. The farm she rescued them from obviously neglected to resize/remove the bands and as a result, these two hens have swollen, injured feet. While one is worse off than the other, both are struggling to stand and are limping when they do move. They cannot grip with or move their toes. They're in obvious pain, but they are eating and drinking well and are friendly/okay being handled.

Neither myself or my friend have dealt with this type of injury before so we are wondering what the best course of treatment would be. A vet would be wonderful, but sadly, not an option. We were thinking epsom salt soaks and a splint. Maybe a sling to take some pressure off.

Edited to include photos of both hens. First three are of the worse of hen. The second set of three are of the other hen.

Hen #1
212300924_505185610715227_1007234345411323850_n.jpg 212681352_331645155124009_822597967039723405_n.jpg 212582234_205949051415583_3722938349452081395_n.jpg

Hen #2
206713674_2975646782653335_6062948421982182929_n.jpg 204816053_909469489628527_1199189010464501443_n.jpg 207762127_1727523590969012_6405278839831695087_n.jpg

Video of Hen #2:

Video of both hens:
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They're still young that I think if they can get over this that they'll do okay. Right now the problem is that there likely has been a lack of blood flow to the foot, which obviously isn't good.
I don't even know where to begin with getting the blood flow back, if at all possible. I'm also wondering if there is an infection and/or a break. There has to be infection, at least. I haven't seen the hens in person.

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