Lethargic Hen - UPDATE: potential bumblefoot? Please help!


Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16 🤍✝️
Mar 5, 2021
Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
Hey everyone, one of my hens, Sam, has been acting lethargic for a few days.

- standing alone and away from the flock
- moving and walking very slowly
- mostly slowly pecking at the mud rather than water or pellets
- pale and droopy comb
- not going on the roost at night
- standing for long periods of time in the nesting box

I originally suspected her being egg bound, as she is a hybrid breed and with her lethargy and standing in the nest box. But now I’m perhaps thinking something else, maybe parasites?

Here’s some additional information:
Sam is 2 1/2 years old. She and the flock get Purina Flock Raiser pellets and have access to 2 clean fountain waterers. They get occasional treats (a small scoop of scratch for the flock of 15) and currently have a pumpkin to peck at. Living in Washington, the weather is very rainy.

As far as treatment so far, I gave her calcium on Tuesday (600mg of calcium citrate) in case she was egg bound. Other than that I have just monitored her.

I have not yet had a good look at her poop yet, although she has some poop stuck to her the feathers around her vent. I haven’t checked if her crop is emptying either.

Anyway, I’m looking for what my next step should be. I don’t have many pictures, but here’s a comparison of her comb before and now.

There are several possibilities going on with Sam:
She might be eggbound. Place her in a container of warm water up to her sides. The warm water will relax and expand her innards. Then place your hand in the water under her abdomen and gently massage her underside front to rear while she is soaking. This will encourage her to move the stuck egg along. Do this for about 30 minutes.
Then wear a disposable glove and place a small amount of olive oil or vegetable oil just inside her vent. This will help make it easier for her to lay the stuck egg.
Repeat this procedure as necessary, if this is the problem.

Another possibility are external parasites: Inspect her closely for lice and /or mites. Lice are white, off white, or straw in color. They have 6 legs and feed on dander, feathers and fluff and are more of an irritant. You might see lice eggs attached to feather shafts. Closely inspect her vent area where it's warm and moist. Lice eggs can be removed with coconut oil.
Mites are black or red in color, suck blood and cause anemia, then death. They have 8 legs. They weaken the chickens immune system in time, opening the door for diseases to infect your hen.
I prefer to use Permethrin dust to treat birds with external parasites. Coops and nest boxes must be thoroughly cleaned out and treated as well. A second treatment or more is recommended depending how bad the parasites have infected Sam and coop.

Finally, worms are a possibility especially due to all the rain, which I can relate.
Give her Valbazen, 1/2ml orally and repeat again in 10-14 days. It would be best to worm all your birds.
Ok… so I gave her a bath for 30 minutes and massaged her, it doesn’t seem like she’s egg bound though.

I looked over her very carefully for parasites and didn’t find anything except for what looked like one tiny bug - but that shouldn’t be too much of a concern, right?

What I did notice is something that’s probably not good. This is her foot, all clean… and I think she may have bumble foot.

That doesn’t look pleasant at all. I’m not sure exactly what treatment I should do, although a small at home operation may be the main option and I think I’m potentially comfortable doing that. But I’d need very clear instructions if that is what must be done.

I would greatly appreciate any ideas of what I should do. I’m worried that since she’s been acting so off, is pale, and lethargic for a few days that the infection may have spread.
Also, her comb has multiple colors and has a weird lump that seems like an abscess.


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Two other things. She seems extremely bony and thin, not super bad but definitely noticeable. Her crop is full though. Also, her poop looks quite odd.


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I'm no expert but it looks like she got several issues happening ... 2x @dawg53
The bumble foot; soak in Epson Salt bath 10 - 15 min & see if you can remove the "scab", use gloves as it's a septic infection. If you can remove the scab, try to express the "puss" which will be white & cottage cheese consistency. If can't be done, attempt soaking, removal & expressing again in a day or two. IF you have PRID (drawing salve) remove scab & apply, wrap with Vet Wrap.
The comb lump probably an access, personally I'd wait and see unless you're confident to attempt removal although I'm not certain that's the best thing to do.
The poop is a concern ... 1st thought is as @DWag recommend, worming. Next thing that comes to mind is starting Corid, coccidiosis ... Not sure the two can be treated at the same time. I'm still learning

@dawg53 @Eggcessive @azygous @Wyorp Rock @casportpony
Have you ever wormed her? Being in a wet climate is something that should be done every year. Using Valbazen can treat multiple worm problems.

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