Let's have a "crazy" neighbor contest!!

I think I would have rather had you as a Nebraska neighbor than "Barbara" on one side of me trying to plow me over with her car and "Evil Snake killer" man on the other side who killed all snakes even teeny baby ones and threw them over his fence into our yard. He used to stare out his window at me thinking I did not know he was there but my dog gave me little signals he was there staring at me. I guess his wife was not hot enough for him. I think he was the one that started the rumor my father had 2 wives because I lived with my parents! ICK!

Anyways one day when I knew he was watching I picked up a snake and kissed it and moved it to safety telling it in a real loud voice to run away from the evil snake murderer. I guess he would say I was the crazy one. LOL
Oh my!!... After reading thru these postings you all have some nuts next door!!...

My only neighbors and my family have been close friends for the almost 30 years we have lived here from day one......
Yeah, I think I'm the one that qualifies as the crazy neighbor. We're the running around outside half naked in the summer, (can't see us through the trees!), hollering at the dogs, hanging our laundry on the line, piling feed into the itty bitty VW GTI....We're the only ones with animals besides dogs & cats (we have horses, goats, and of course a bunch of chickens). We're crazy hippies, and we don't care.
But I think, unless you mind the sound of roosters crowing,
that we're good neighbors. We're nice enough I think, though we pretty much keep to ourselves.

We do have one neighbor, not too close but along our long driveway, who doesn't keep his garbage contained very well. I often find trash scattered through the woods and over our driveway...including, on more than one occasion, very large rotten carcases of fish.
We like to walk down our drive occasionally, thank you very much!! After one incident where I found a 2-foot long rotting fish in the middle of my drive, covered in maggots, I went back up to my house, got my stall-cleaning fork, and scooped up the fish and threw it in their backyard, right by their porch (where they like to cook out). I am disgusted by people that have no respect for other people's property. They keep their lawn and yard areas very nice, with nice landscaping, etc., so why do they think it's ok to let their trash spread out all over MY property? :mad: UGH. I don't get people. Sorry for the vent...I guess they don't qualify as crazies, just jerks.
Speaking of venting, I am running a load of my kids security blankets through the dryer with the evil lavender dryer sheets - I did warn him that blankets still needed the lavender smell so I had to use it once in a while.

I am going to cower in my basement until it is done just in case though.
Wow! I feel very fortunate to have good neighbors, especially here in the 'burbs where we are pretty darn close together. We have one truly crazy neighbor. Neighborhood lore says that Phil, a Vietnam vet, is schizophrenic. He lives with his mother across the street and three doors down from us. He spends his time driving his car around real slow. Sometimes, when he hasn't taken his meds, apparently, he stands in his driveway and curses at "people" real loud and threatens the "people" with violent acts. I used to tell the kids to come in the house when they heard him get like that. However, my 12 year old son says that he has had several conversations with Phil (when my son was on his way to his friends house), and my DH has had several conversations with him too. We really have never in 6 years had a bit of trouble from him.

Now, annoying neighbors, that's a different story. My next door neighbors, and there are a lot of them, have run over my yard with their cars, because they were having a party and they were blocked in and could only get out by driving over my yard and out my driveway. They had a cement truck come into their back yard and they went over the property line and I have holes in my yard from that. There must be at least three distinct families living in the house, which is very illegal here, but my DH insists that we must not report them because they are just trying to have a home. But the driveway thing is the most annoying. We have two driveways. Once, one of their cars that was parked on the street, stuck out into our driveway so much that when I was trying to get back in with my DH's big van, I tore off some of the trim on the back of their car by accident (they never said a word). And today, when we get up at 6 am, a car was completely blocking the driveway that I use! DH let the air out of a tire and I put a note on the windshield. If school wasn't out, I would have had to get out of the driveway at 6:30. At 8 I got impatient and called the police and when he was writing the ticket, about 8-10 of them started pouring out of the house. They said it was late, they didn't see it, the baby was sick, it was the first time, etc, etc. There were plenty of parking spots just in front of the next house! Anyway, they probably think I am a horrible neighbor 'cause I called the police. But don't mess with my driveway(s)! That's why we moved from Queens, so we could have our own place to park our cars.
WOW, being close enough to smell drier sheet is just TOO close for my comfort! LOL We are blessed with good neighbors. Everyone has thier little quirks, but they aren't any crazier than we are.

We do have the poor little boy who lives with his overprotective grandmother (his mom too, but g-ma rules the roost). He can't play outside during the summer-- "it's too hot", he can't play outside during the winter "it's too cold". He's 8 and has never had a snowball fight or built a snowman.

Of course, they prolly think we're the crazy neighbors, because our boys are outside in t-shirts and shorts, and this poor kid comes out to play in a parka (I kid you not-- 70 degree weather too!) and a stocking cap!

In general though, they are good people, love the birds (g-ma even came over to watch dh process a few birds), and when we start getting eggs from our girls, they will certainly get some freebies.

Our neighbors behind us-- their cow pasture butts our property... they can't decide what animals they want LOL Can't blame them, animals are fun. One year, after they had taken all the cattle to auction, they did a year of horses-- that was REALLY fun, our children loved having the horses practically in our backyard! We do get the occasional cow in our yard-- that's pretty fun too though. We call them and they send someone to get the cow, no problem. Right now they have a donkey-- they must have gotten it when the cattle went to auction, because a few days after they packed up the cattle, the donkey was there. OH, MY! I told dh this morning that I was starting to wonder how donkey tastes LOL he is SOOOOOO loud! They really are good neighbors, we've not seen one of their free-ranging dogs since we got our birds, and had never even mentioned our concern to them. When their dog killed my dd's kitten, dh called, they appologized, offered one of their barn kitties, and got rid of the dog.

This neighbor, when we bought our house, had come over one day when we were meeting the realtor here. We hadn't gotten here yet, and he talked with the realtor. He asked them if we were "white folks, or black folks". The realtor thought a moment, and asked "Well, do you mean him, her, or the children?" LOL (we are white-- ALL of us LOL)

We are prolly the crazies, as we are the only birdies in the area. The neighbors behind us have free-ranging guineas, but no chickens etc. We also have the largest family in the area, and we homeschool.
The funny thing is, we have 7.5 acres. Their house is a tenth of a mile away. In the summer when the trees are leafed out, we can't even SEE their house.

But we are at the top of the hill and they are at the bottom and I guess smell drifts downhill?

Out of curiosity, did you try knocking on their door and asking them to move the car?
My next door neighbor happens to be my in-laws.

The only thing that drives me crazy about them, is that they sit on the porch 24-7, and document all of our comings and goings.

They know exactly when we leave, how long we are gone, when we come home, how many sacks of groceries we bought, etc. If I'm a couple of minutes late coming home from work, they wonder where I'm at and start calling my cell phone.

They are good people and I love them, but I just wish for a little more privacy.
Socks with crocs is a problem?
I never mow, and I call it a crop so no one can harass me, and I go out and cut some it from time to time with a really huge knife just for grins and giggles, I used to could get 2 bales of alfalfa, 200lbs of feed, 4 kids, and a weeks groceries and a chiweenie in my 82 volvo 240 gl (not a stationwagon) before I sold it to the next sucker who probably wonders why there was stuff growing in the trunk. I love the avatar, BTW! I just got a Neopolitan/Dogue de Borduex cross, and my evil neighbor about drove off the road when he saw him in my yard. Drool is soo cool, and so is crazy.

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