LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I'm curious... When you guys came out, as bi, or gay, what did you then do? Might be a strange question, but, how do you meet people? What steps do you take to start dating? I dont know how to go about this, but I know I really want to.
My ex straight up asked me if I was into their sex and when I responded that I wouldn't be opposed to trying it, we dated for 3.5 years before separating.

Now, I have no clue. I haven't dated anyone for the 4, almost 5 years since separating. One of my friends is on Bumble for dating
Big news! In October, I'll be taking a trip down to California!

Passed the driving test today! I pick up the temporary license on Tuesday. The actual card will be mailed later in the week

Also, for anyone curious. I picked up my temporary license yesterday and did a bit of extra driving by myself to get re-use to the car I'll be driving to work.
Was it also very scary for you all when you started driving by yourself?

am i the only one concerned by the sequence of events here?

that’s a 1,100 mile trip down the I5 for someone who has had their license for 5 months and is nervous driving…
People do it all the time. How else are they supposed to learn?
by driving around their town, their neighborhood, their city, and logging some serious miles in small chunks while getting comfortable behind the wheel of a car.

do you think hopping on the interstate and driving 1000 miles as a new driver is a good idea?

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