LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Guess I know what I'm doing during break. I'm researching what people used for armor in super hot places way back when. Maybe I'll just be like a game designer and make it more attractive than useful 😆
God knows I already did that with their day to day wardrobe. Half of these things would make even Censori herself blush
I would join! I don't know about why it would cause bickering though 😅 so I can't help deciding with that! People will try to argue about anything 😆
Thanks! Haha they will
A lot of nonneurotypical people (at least in my area) aren't formally diagnosed. It's either self diagnosis or a diagnosis from a therapist (but not a doctor and a test). Some people don't think anything but a formal doctor's diagnosis is enough, some say self diagnosis is valid
Yeah I’m self diagnosed (ADHD), so I’m a little scared of the opinions I’ll get.

Just to clarify, I’m only self diagnosed because I’m scared to ask my parents about a diagnosis. I really want a diagnosis though
A lot of nonneurotypical people (at least in my area) aren't formally diagnosed. It's either self diagnosis or a diagnosis from a therapist (but not a doctor and a test). Some people don't think anything but a formal doctor's diagnosis is enough, some say self diagnosis is valid
I forgot about that 🙁

Thanks! Haha they will

Yeah I’m self diagnosed (ADHD), so I’m a little scared of the opinions I’ll get.

Just to clarify, I’m only self diagnosed because I’m scared to ask my parents about a diagnosis. I really want a diagnosis though
It took me 3+ years to get an official adhd diagnosis!

Sometimes its best to just not mention things, don't give people detail they don't need! 😆 and there will always be at least one person who doesn't agree with you 🙄
It just occurred to me (while watching videos judging game armor) that one of the countries in my book don't really have armor for fighting. I think it's too hot, especially in the capital, for leather, and metal would straight up cook then if it was covering enough to be effective against most attacks.
maybe some sort of padded cloth? wood can also make armor panels. otherwise that could make for interesting world development, maybe they're ranged or mounted fighters to avoid melee combat due to a lack of bodily protection
maybe some sort of padded cloth? wood can also make armor panels. otherwise that could make for interesting world development, maybe they're ranged or mounted fighters to avoid melee combat due to a lack of bodily protection
I am not trans or gay but I would love to be your friend and a safe space if you're looking for a chicken loving friend! Country folk can be quite intolerant but I am not one of those people and try to surround myself with diversity and open minded individuals.
I'm a straight, cis-gendered old lady, but hang out here because the people are cool and the chat is interesting.


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