Lice or Mites???


11 Years
Apr 26, 2008
Hi, I have a hen sitting on eggs about to hatch any day now. I noticed the other chickens have been itching alot lately, lice or mites? I also noticed some little bugs crawling on the eggs they also crawl up my legs when I enter the coop. I also have extremely itchy bites on my body. Could this be from lice or mites?

I was going to purchase some DE, should I dust the hen sitting on the eggs? What should I do once the chicks hatch?

This is my first experience with chickens and lice or mites any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
If you use DE make sure it is food grade. I also don't see any problems with dusting your broody hen with it. It is completely safe. My family and my dog take a tsp. of it everyday!
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I fought mites for a few months, I lost one of my roosters to them. I also got bit alot. You must get rid of them ASAP, Permethrin was a waste of time, I went through 2 or three cans of it.What worked for me the first application was Sevin 5% dust. It is available at walmart, and hardware stores. I also got the spray, and when I clean the coop I spray it down (let dry before letting chickens back in). I have not had further problems. Good luck.
Yes, garden, inside. It is funny because before I knew what I was looking for I searched out feed stores till I found it.
Then I see it at Walmart. The spray is in a red bottle, and the dust is in a shaker can.
Thanks I'm going to go buy some tommorrow. I'm fairly new at this, my cousin came over today he looked for mites and he found them (he's been raising old English for years now) he told me I have pluck out their feathers around their butt to keep the mites away.
Just dust their butts thoroughly and you should be okay. Part the feathers around the vent so that the dust can get down to the skin. I've trimmed some of the feathers before on the fluffiest hens, but never plucked them out.

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