Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Raquel nodded. "Fair." She said, then gasped as hail began hammering down.

Tory dashed to the front door. She almost made it inside, but her shoulder was caught by a hail ball. "Gah!" she cried, as she tripped in through the door. "Oow." she moaned, curled up on the floor.
Acan craned his neck as the girl disappeared around the corner. At least he had covered a decent portion of the garden.
The cattle bellowed with agitation while the hail pelted their backsides, hastening them to move inside the low roofed shelter and jostle for position.
Persepolis winced as the hail pounded her back even harder. When will this hailstorm end? She thought. Hailstorms don't usually last very long.
Almost as if on cue, she could feel the wind start to die down and the hail starting to hit lighter. Within a minute, she wasn't being pounded by hail anymore.
Persepolis winced as the hail pounded her back even harder. When will this hailstorm end? She thought. Hailstorms don't usually last very long.
Almost as if on cue, she could feel the wind start to die down and the hail starting to hit lighter. Within a minute, she wasn't being pounded by hail anymore.
Xylo easened up his grip on the boards as the hail subsided. He suggested silently “Need a basement or something here.”
Brigid grumbled, bringing her wings up to cover her head from the hail. She had been sent out to hunt, and she didn't dare return empty-handed. "As if I'm gonna find anything out in this crazy stor-" She yelled, almost as if she was yelling at her leader, when suddenly she froze suddenly, her breath coming rapidly, the muffled sound of two heartbeats coming to her ears through the pounding rain. These were human heartbeats. Aves' hearts beat slightly faster. She glanced around, taking in her surroundings, and she inwardly kicked herself. She was in the humans' territory. She had been careless and now she was going to pay.
Brigid grumbled, bringing her wings up to cover her head from the hail. She had been sent out to hunt, and she didn't dare return empty-handed. "As if I'm gonna find anything out in this crazy stor-" She yelled, almost as if she was yelling at her leader, when suddenly she froze suddenly, her breath coming rapidly, the muffled sound of two heartbeats coming to her ears through the pounding rain. These were human heartbeats. Aves' hearts beat slightly faster. She glanced around, taking in her surroundings, and she inwardly kicked herself. She was in the humans' territory. She had been careless and now she was going to pay.
(Are these heartbeats those of Raquel and Eva?)
Slowly and hesitantly lowering her wings, Persepolis surveyed the inside of the cabin. There were hailballs everywhere, dents in the walls opposite some of the poorly blocked windows.
Xylo muttered as he held against the wind, “I got this one. Go focus on that one. Lucas, help your sister. She just broke her bone a few minutes ago.” With that, Xylo returned his strength and attention towards the window.
River gave a swift nod and jumped over the other window, quickly followed by Lucas.
Persepolis winced as the hail pounded her back even harder. When will this hailstorm end? She thought. Hailstorms don't usually last very long.
Almost as if on cue, she could feel the wind start to die down and the hail starting to hit lighter. Within a minute, she wasn't being pounded by hail anymore.
Xylo easened up his grip on the boards as the hail subsided. He suggested silently “Need a basement or something here.”
River sighed and she and her brother eased off the window. "Hmm. You know that hill at the side of the cabin? The one we haven`t checked out too well yet. Maybe there`s a storm-shelter there..." River mused to herself.

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