Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP


Yup that’s what I meant. I’ll reply now if that’s fine.) Steve’s eyes narrowed in anger, his face an ugly mixture of rage and bloodlust. He growled “You’re weak. I almost killed the woman. You know how much money I would’ve gotten.” He threw him off of him and started walking towards the pair once again, determined to murder them.
(Casimir laughed darkly and shot the man in the leg, slowing him from going after the women. "It is not weakness to value the life of children. Where is the honor in bringing down a child who can't fight back. If anyone is weak here it is you, who has to bring down a child to prove yourself worthy." He spat as he approached the downed hunter.
(Casimir laughed darkly and shot the man in the leg, slowing him from going after the women. "It is not weakness to value the life of children. Where is the honor in bringing down a child who can't fight back. If anyone is weak here it is you, who has to bring down a child to prove yourself worthy." He spat as he approached the downed hunter.
Steve growled in pain as he fell to the floor, dropping his shotgun. He hissed, writhing in pain, squirming to retrieve the firearm, “You hypocrite. That woman just ran, and didn’t defend herself, yet she is fair game and the child is not.” He growled “Out here, everyone is fair game.” He smiled as his fingers touched the gun, slowly bringing it closer to him.
Luna shook the thought of the orphanage out of her head, before turning to the blueberries. She remarked "That's true, but we need strawberries. We're not leaving with out your favorite fruit." (I just realized all of this probably isn't ripe all at once, but I'm having fun, so screw it)
( Lol the soil is too alkaline for wild blueberries in Montana. If you are in the mountains up high, say above 4000 feet, you find huckleberries, which are cousins to blueberries, or serviceberries, currants, buffalo berries, wild strawberries and lots of other stuff. Did you know that you can eat the soft white bark of pine that's under that protective rough external bark? It's good survival food in a pinch, and there aren't really any deciduous forests here, outside of the breaks that form along waterways( those are almost always cottonwoods). I'm a huge nerd, if you didn't already know. Sorry about not being on much, real life gets super busy so I only am able to respond sporadically. I am a 6th generation Montanan, family homesteaded here on both sides over 100 years ago........... Lol -nerd!-)
( Lol the soil is too alkaline for wild blueberries in Montana. If you are in the mountains up high, say above 4000 feet, you find huckleberries, which are cousins to blueberries, or serviceberries, currants, buffalo berries, wild strawberries and lots of other stuff. Did you know that you can eat the soft white bark of pine that's under that protective rough external bark? It's good survival food in a pinch, and there aren't really any deciduous forests here, outside of the breaks that form along waterways( those are almost always cottonwoods). I'm a huge nerd, if you didn't already know. Sorry about not being on much, real life gets super busy so I only am able to respond sporadically. I am a 6th generation Montanan, family homesteaded here on both sides over 100 years ago........... Lol -nerd!-)
(Thanks for the information! That's really great input, much appreciated. For the sake of story, we'll continue with the idea of blueberries on our pancakes. Maybe if we go out foraging again I'll replace them with Serviceberries. I actually had my character bring some serviceberries into the RP near the beginning.)
( Lol the soil is too alkaline for wild blueberries in Montana. If you are in the mountains up high, say above 4000 feet, you find huckleberries, which are cousins to blueberries, or serviceberries, currants, buffalo berries, wild strawberries and lots of other stuff. Did you know that you can eat the soft white bark of pine that's under that protective rough external bark? It's good survival food in a pinch, and there aren't really any deciduous forests here, outside of the breaks that form along waterways( those are almost always cottonwoods). I'm a huge nerd, if you didn't already know. Sorry about not being on much, real life gets super busy so I only am able to respond sporadically. I am a 6th generation Montanan, family homesteaded here on both sides over 100 years ago........... Lol -nerd!-)
( are smart. I only knew about half of that.)
Steve growled in pain as he fell to the floor, dropping his shotgun. He hissed, writhing in pain, squirming to retrieve the firearm, “You hypocrite. That woman just ran, and didn’t defend herself, yet she is fair game and the child is not.” He growled “Out here, everyone is fair game.” He smiled as his fingers touched the gun, slowly bringing it closer to him.
Casimir growled angrily as he walked up to the down hunter. He shot him in the hand and kicked the shotgun further away. "No, once you start believing everyone out here is fair game is the moment you have gone to far. People who think like that are no better then animals and need to be put down." He said angrily as she stood over the man and contemplated the way he should die.
Casimir growled angrily as he walked up to the down hunter. He shot him in the hand and kicked the shotgun further away. "No, once you start believing everyone out here is fair game is the moment you have gone to far. People who think like that are no better then animals and need to be put down." He said angrily as she stood over the man and contemplated the way he should die.
Steve growled, challenging him with the deviousness of the devil, “And what about all this you killed. All those you murdered. Not everyone fought back. And when you kill me, you’ll kill the woman. I’m sure of it. Might as well kill the kid, too. She’d be scarred enough.” He chuckled, before adding “Stop trying to be someone you’re not. You’ve killed so many. So much blood is on your hands. You’re no hero. You’re a heartless killer.” With that, he grinned deviously, waiting to see what he would do, happy with his words, hoping they would affect him in some negative manner.
Steve growled, challenging him with the deviousness of the devil, “And what about all this you killed. All those you murdered. Not everyone fought back. And when you kill me, you’ll kill the woman. I’m sure of it. Might as well kill the kid, too. She’d be scarred enough.” He chuckled, before adding “Stop trying to be someone you’re not. You’ve killed so many. So much blood is on your hands. You’re no hero. You’re a heartless killer.” With that, he grinned deviously, waiting to see what he would do, happy with his words, hoping they would affect him in some negative manner.
As Casimir looked down at the man his left eye twitched a bit, it was clear that the words he heard did not sit well with him. He shot Steve in the head and sat there for a minute, looking down at the body in disgust. "You are right, I am not a hero, but even I have standards and rules that I keep." He said to the dead man before holstering his gun and walking off. He headed in the direction of the women to see that they were alright and on their way to safety.

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