Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

"Wow. It's more organized than I expected," Brid admitted with a small, embarrassed laugh. "Where is everyone?" She could hear heartbeats but still couldn't pinpoint location, and the camp seemed deserted. (As far as I know. I'll change the post if needed. :))
Eva responded with an unsure tone, "Ummm, I don't know. I know Luna left for some reason, so did Hector, Persepolis, Xylo, and River, and I don't know if they've come back yet. But Stephen and Lucas should most likely be here." She glanced around, not spotting anyone, so she added "They could be on the other side of the cabin or inside."
Persepolis rounded the cabin, spotting Eva and someone she didn't recognize. She froze, slowly inching her hand to the weapon belt she wore in case there was trouble ahead.
She watched, waiting to see if they'd notice her.
Eva waved Persepolis over, hoping she knew where either Xylo or River were.
Persepolis approached Eva and the new Aves, walking in a confident stride but cautious internally. She turned to Eva, "Hey, what's up?" She rose an eyebrow in question but said nothing more.
(np) As the light fully dwindled away, Xylo took River's hand and drew her in, holding her tightly. He had seen the look on her face, that look of wonder, of awe, yet still shy at his praise, and was pleased with himself for knowing she had forgotten about the corpses they had found earlier. It had been his very intention to distract her, replace that sorrow with some other emotion, and while he was positive that sorrow would return, for now she could hold this moment treasure. He walked up to her and cupped her face delicately, kissing her in the darkness of the cave.
River kissed him back, feeling a wave of love for him. "Thank you, for showing me this." She murmured softly.
Persepolis approached Eva and the new Aves, walking in a confident stride but cautious internally. She turned to Eva, "Hey, what's up?" She rose an eyebrow in question but said nothing more.
Eva knew Persepolis most likely didn't trust her all that well still, so she simply began explaining "This is Brid, an Aves from the old mansion. Do you remember her at all?" Eva had no fear in this Aves, she had her gun holstered and was ready to do what she had to if Bird tried something. But while she had been a hunter, she had seen Brid at the mansion, so that part of her story was true at least.
River kissed him back, feeling a wave of love for him. "Thank you, for showing me this." She murmured softly.
Xylo nodded, before gently resting a hand on her cheek. He whispered sincerely "It was my pleasure, no worries." He peered up at the moon which had now clearly come into view. He asked in a gentle and hushed tone "Think we should head back now?"

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