Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Persepolis woke slowly, pulling her head out from under her wing. She stretched her wings and legs one by one, the floated down from the rafters and transformed back into an Aves.
She put on her trench coat and boots and went outside, practising her archery on a tree outside the cabin.
(Wow, you guys are an fire! I may or may not rejoin this rp-I'll be leaving in three weeks for 5 weeks and the next three weeks are full of testing. I could make a charrie who could die, though. lol.)
(well I'd love to have you back at least, no pressure in doing so though. life comes first. I've been extremely busy as well)
(Do you want to start?)
Xylo awoke slowly, blinking his eyes to realize he was still awake. Even though the two shared a room, River and Xylo had come to the habit of sleeping in the same bed, so pushing them together was something to consider, he thought. He smiled as he gazed down on her as she slept, focusing on her stomach, which held his children. His body seemed to tingle with excitement that he was a father, which brought to mind how much he would do to protect them.

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