Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

Hope all went well with your Christmas it is always good to hear how you are doing. Today it is 22 years since I lost my Dad, it does not get any easier, it just hurts different. Happy New Year to one and all, may we all have a year overfilled with blessings. My New Year's Resolution is to not let anyone steal my peace. Blessings and prayers for all.

Edited because I still can't spell
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Thank you.
Christmas did go well, we were snowed in at my Mothers, and while my in-laws were less than thrilled (we didn't make it till the next day...and even about skating!!)
I know we were so blessed, it was hard, very hard....but with God and His grace...he sustained us as he has done from the beginning.
I've been working on my crochet, quite pleased with how I am progressing! To think, I've only been doing this for a little over a year, and I have not been working at it regular for many months...
I've been making hats and will show you one I just finished for my son, working on one with flowers for my daughter....(only have the flowers left, going to finish those this morning) as I watch IT SNOW!! Nothing heavy, not even sticking...though it's cold enough too! Whew...praying these 5* night temps are killing bugs! Hallelujah!
Something else has transpired.....(quite a few, but secrecy is the name of the game...
2 nights ago the Rev. mentioned to me a lady was selling some books, and he told me the price tag...

I KNEW we could not afford them....though I dearly wanted them!
Last night, he comes in carrying this box, and's true, I tear up just thinking about it....inside was the set of autographed books by Mark Twain.

She came down in her price (over half) and he went up in his budget.....

Her dad's grandfather met him, and had them autographed; she had no emotional attachment, so she was selling them.
Plus, he has been bringing me home cookbooks (another weakness of mine) and crochet books, there were even a few cross stitch books....and, knitting. But that seems hopeless, so may pass those on to another more intelligent person than myself.

I know I'm so blessed, really it doesn't take things to please me, he only pays for the other books on avg...25 cents a piece...not much, but it's the fact that he was thinking of me, wanting to please ME!

I want to tell you about some books I've heard about that you might be interested, as I am. (I posted a link in my thread economy cooking from your pantry)
"Miserly Moms", by Jonni McCoy
also saw another book that had me interested when I was searching out this one
"$5 Dinner Mom Cookbook", by Erin Chase
Hope to find these super cheap, and going to plead with my library to purchase them!

The snow is really coming down now!!
woot.gif's the pic of the hat I finished Wednesday for my son, will post my daughters later (as soon as I'm finished!)


Here is her hat, need to tack 1 of the flowers down better, will get to it when I add a leaf or two! She loves it so we are all to work on baby booties!

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Sure, I got the basic hat pattern from a lady named Candi Jensen (found it on the web, she said it's free to use, not sell as long as she is given credit)
It's titled Crochet Childs Earflap hat.
I used a size 'K' hook, and I "think" the yarn was 5m (been awhile since I the cover)
Then I found how to make the tassle's and just added them where I wanted! For my daughters hat I've made braids. Need to get the flowers finished.
Will try to find the link on the hat for you...I'm sure I saved it somewhere (I printed off a copy, and it's about wore out)

and thank you too, he loves it...he hugged me and told me "I'm the best Mom ever!" can only imagine the things that does to my heart!

here's the link to the pattern.
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Thanks so much for sharing! My daughter's a little older (16!), but she loves hats, and I think I can make this work for her. She seems to like the scarf I made her last winter - she indulges my crochet efforts. Isn't it great when your family appreciates you?

Oh, Gwen, the hat is adorable! I would wear one like that myself, even make the goats a couple. LOL I am so glad you had a good Christmas with your mother! Oh, joy, to have Mark Twain's autographed set of books!! That is a treasure for sure. Amazing and kudos to the Rev. Stay warm my dear and look for an email about you know what. LOL
No pics, but I made the hat for my daughter. I used the leftover yarn from when I made her scarf, and even learned to make tassels for the ends of the strings. She actually wore it to school today! LOL

I love projects I can finish in a day! Thanks, again, for sharing the pattern.

God bless!
big_smile.png, not expecting (at this time)

though we would dearly love more children

I am making booties for my new neice, and a lady in our church who is expecting....sometimes I just jump from one thought to another without explaining where I'm going.

Signed up for my classes, 12 hours plus homeschooling....kinda nervous about that.

Hens have again let up in their laying..only 2 eggs today, we did make it above freezing though. Sun shown lovely this morning, cloudy again this afternoon. Got to put fresh bedding for chicken coop matter what!

Children have been begging for more ducks, so regardless that they have a snout (they are absolute pigs!!) Going to raid my neices coop for duck eggs next week, and try to incubate. Planning on following that with a hatch of chicks. We shall see...if I don't set goals, then I'll not acheive?!

Well, spaghetti and my french bread for supper tonight, and the bread has, I must rise and get back to work as well!

Ya'll come
The Parson's wife

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