Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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I know that must have been hard.
You are still in my prayers.
Hard is a mild word. It was absolutely miserable. Ken is a very blunt person, and he was very up front about what he wants, incorporating in what the kids want and what I want. I had to explain to him that after he is cremated I really don't want his ashes, or some of his ashes. He is in my heart, not a mini urn on the mantle.

We asked what kind of permits we have to get to spread ashes, and she said "We always practice, don't ask, don't tell. Just kind get wide eyed and say 'Oh dear I dropped it'." LOL!

Oh an not to mention that the box he will be in called the "formal container". Ugh. Why not just call it a pine box? We did agree to buy a "paver" ( as a memorial. It gives us some place to go to remember him, since he wants to be scattered in Aspen.

Oops I dropped it, at the top of a mountain by a pine tree with tears in my eyes.
I don't even know you and it has been hard enough to read what you post without getting a teary... let alone live your reality.

Let's just all hope that because you are prepared, Ken is with you for years to come. Sometimes when you accept and prepare for the worst to happen, someone up there looks down and says 'let's just give them a little longer'.

Oops I dropped it, at the top of a mountain by a pine tree with tears in my eyes.
I am so sorry to read about Ken's Health. I hope that you two get to laugh at them for having to pay on that insurance for a good long time!

My cousin and I have talked about the need to take a canoe trip around a certain lake and accidentally drop her mom off on our grandmothers grave.
I am so sorry to read about Ken's Health. I hope that you two get to laugh at them for having to pay on that insurance for a good long time!

My cousin and I have talked about the need to take a canoe trip around a certain lake and accidentally drop her mom off on our grandmothers grave.

I think it is going to be a laugh and cry at the same time kind of a thing when we go to Aspen. Covert ash scattering. LOL! WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Ken wants me to lay down with him - he goes to bed early, and I don't. I feel like a total failure. I can't lay there without getting antsy, then I come out here and I feel guilty. The animals need me, Ken needs me, I need me. How does one balance that out? Even if I get up super early, I just cannot sleep before 10 pm.
Maybe bring a note pad with you to bed, you could write notes to your self while he sleeps? It helps to put your words on paper sometimes.

Man I was in a funk yesterday really bad. Making arrangements hit me harder than I expected. The good news is that Ken woke up this morning absolutely NEEDING to go to a certain church. So we went, it was wonderful! We will be returning.
Get him on hospice now. Medicare part a pays for hospice 100%, and they usually provide social workers that help with all the paperwork as it relates to disability/aid/etc.
Get him on hospice now. Medicare part a pays for hospice 100%, and they usually provide social workers that help with all the paperwork as it relates to disability/aid/etc.

He has to have a diagnosis of only 6 months to live to qualify for hospice here, and he does not have that - thank GOD!
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