Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Sumi, I am a very strong believer, and I never feel all is lost. I may have bad days, but I am fully aware that everything that happens, happens for a reason and I am not in charge of The Plan.

Linda, he poured me the ouzo with an ice cube and it was milky white!
SHort update: typos are because the feed barrel took a chunk outta my middle fiunger and typing is hard.

I noticed yesterday that Ken's big toe nail has turned light purple, no matter that he is on oxygen almost all the time, He also had a really hard day with breathing today, we almost went to ER and he managed to fall asleep and it got better. I am not ready to start noticing his extremities turning purple and blue,

Anyone who has been on oxygen and prednisone - or knows someone who was/is - does it cause major breakouts? Ken's entire torso is horribly broken out and it worries me (infection).
Prednisone should not make him break out. High doses might make him hungry and full of energy. It always changes my personality (that filter that keeps you from saying every little thing that runs through your head dissolves when I am on it and I say all the mean things that I normally don't say! Pred makes me CRANKY!) He should not be breaking out in hives. You need to call your doctor and let him know Ken is having an allergic reaction to something.

Prednisone should not make him break out. High doses might make him hungry and full of energy. It always changes my personality (that filter that keeps you from saying every little thing that runs through your head dissolves when I am on it and I say all the mean things that I normally don't say! Pred makes me CRANKY!) He should not be breaking out in hives. You need to call your doctor and let him know Ken is having an allergic reaction to something.


He is off the prednisone now, has been for a few days. Sigh, Pred makes me REALLY cranky. He has been ok though - a few outbursts, but nothing that made me wanna go home to mommy.

ETA: Not hives - ZITS!!!
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Ooooohhhhhh... somehow zits are less scary than hives. I think steroids CAN make you break out with zits. I pretty much attribute all things horrible to steroids. I hate being on them. Ugg. They do seem to screw with your hormones.

Poor Ken. :(
Deb, I didn't know....I'm sorry to hear about your husband.
I didn't read the whole thread so I'm not sure if this has been discussed, but has anyone discussed hospice with you? It could make all these medical emergencies a little easier when you have hospice nurses on call and the proper comfort medications...respiratory failure is one of the scariest diseases, particularly in the last stages.

I've been a hospice nurse for the past 3+ years and I've seen how much it helps in cases like Ken's. I apologize if this subject is uncomfortable for you or if it has already been discussed and ruled out and I didn't read about it in the previous posts.

I'll pray for you and your family.
Deb, I didn't know....I'm sorry to hear about your husband.
I didn't read the whole thread so I'm not sure if this has been discussed, but has anyone discussed hospice with you? It could make all these medical emergencies a little easier when you have hospice nurses on call and the proper comfort medications...respiratory failure is one of the scariest diseases, particularly in the last stages.

I've been a hospice nurse for the past 3+ years and I've seen how much it helps in cases like Ken's. I apologize if this subject is uncomfortable for you or if it has already been discussed and ruled out and I didn't read about it in the previous posts.

I'll pray for you and your family.

He needs to have a firm diagnosis of 6 months or less to live and he does not have that, THANK GOD!!!!!
I have come to the conclusion tonight that I need a grief counselor. Still typing with my Franken-finger. I can be so positive one moment and an absolute mess the next. And that is not doing Ken any good at all.

Ms. Bee. I can always use a shoulder, and a tissue and a punching bag and a cuss word filter. I have taken to spending more time with him in the bedroom, and I am noticing that I am not bothered by that, which bothers me. Because the rest of the house is a disaster.
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