Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Oh Debi, I pray for a miracle for you guys, because yours is the most amazing, touching love story I've heard in a long time. And I pray that he will live long enough to make his very special, devoted fiancé his wife in December. And until that happens I will not stop praying and believing in him and you.

Now you tell him not to let us down, o.k?
Thank you so much!!! I so appreciate the people here that have offered so much support. The hard days are SOOO hard!!! The good days I am waiting on pins and needles for something to maybe go wrong.

Tomorrow we are going to Super Target to register. I want him to have some fun picking really off the wall and silly items.
Go have fun, you two! You need it to balance the stress a bit. And when those hard times get too hard remember we're here listening and thinking of you and hoping and praying for you guys every day. Big
for both of you.
We did have a good time. Registered at Target and our registry is an odd mishmash of things we need. I did manage to sneak in a really girl pink and lacy comforter....
I haven't read everything, but I just wanted to say my thoughts and prayers are with you.
I haven't read everything, but I just wanted to say my thoughts and prayers are with you.
thank you we appreciate that a lot. today was a good day!!! BBQ'd ribs and burgers and hot dogs and corn on the cob. Ken is easily tired, but he managed to get dinner done. Cash is going to be walking in the next week or so, he is so mobile in the walker!!!!
Hello, my name is Sandi......I am new to only a few weeks new....last night I was just looking around for pictures of chickens and roosters because I am still having a hard time figuring out the sex of mine......I just happened to see the title of your thread and started to read......I couln't stop reading, I couldn't stop crying......I read until I fell asleep and then just finished this morning.......My heart goes out to you two.......I can't help but say "why? This is so unfair".......I do believe though, that everything happens for a reason and that the good Lord has a plan for all of us. We might not see it at the time, but maybe we will see it clearer later on. Even though I don't know you personally, I feel like I somewhat do in a little way through your posts. I will be praying for you guys. I will also be following your thread. God bless you and Ken. Try to enjoy every second you have with him. Take care
We are one big happy family of complete strangers.
Everyone I know thought I was insane to share with a motel room with another peep from here when we went to a chicken show.
We had spoken a few times here on BYC, but never met.
Now we are close friends.
We all have something in common, it isn't just poultry.
Debi has another thread which helps me out when I need a lift.
Nice to meet you!
Hello, my name is Sandi......I am new to only a few weeks new....last night I was just looking around for pictures of chickens and roosters because I am still having a hard time figuring out the sex of mine......I just happened to see the title of your thread and started to read......I couln't stop reading, I couldn't stop crying......I read until I fell asleep and then just finished this morning.......My heart goes out to you two.......I can't help but say "why? This is so unfair".......I do believe though, that everything happens for a reason and that the good Lord has a plan for all of us. We might not see it at the time, but maybe we will see it clearer later on. Even though I don't know you personally, I feel like I somewhat do in a little way through your posts. I will be praying for you guys. I will also be following your thread. God bless you and Ken. Try to enjoy every second you have with him. Take care
Thank you so much. Don't cry yet, that is for the future when the inevitable occurs. In the mean time I have a wedding to plan. Yes, I will have my pity parties here every now and then, but then I have to get up and get moving.
You amaze me. I have been reading your thread for a while now. My heart aches and rejoices for you'll at the same time. Is there any way to get the divorce done faster? You could always have a ceremony then sign your papers later if need be. Besides, the most important thing is that you love each other. I wish there was something I could do to help. I will say, that reading all of it has made me stop smoking. 1 week now. I was never a heavy smoker... 1 or 2 a day, and none on the weekends...but I just do not ever want to have to go through it. So if anything, please take comfort that you are inspiring others to make healthy choices. We love both of you for it. thank you for being brave enough to share it all with us.
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