Limping and tail tucking?! Help, please!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 18, 2012
Hi :)

We have had our flock for two years, though they stayed at a friend's house for their first year. They never had any issues.

The 10 Reds are two and a half now, we also have 6 Delawares that are about 8 months old and three four month old bantams.

We noticed last week, while they were free-ranging, that one was limping. Unsure if it was an injury, we decided to keep an eye on it, etc. Well, another one began limping, though, doesn't seem pronounced. Yesterday, I noticed a third one tucking her tail feathers down.

We keep their coop clean, etc., but they are out in farm land/woods on a few acres, so I have no idea what they could be exposed to.

I need help. I have no idea what to look at or for, nor do I know what to do to help them! :rolleyes:

Thank you...
Pick up the birds that are injured and take pictures of feet. You need to examine them. Feel them.Post the pictures, maybe someone can recognize something you do not. Not everything is a disease. You are good to ask. They might be walking through cow itch. Who knows. My birds lay in the stuff. They are limping because they hurt. Soak the feet in Epsom salt.
Okay. One that was limping isn't limping anymore, but I believe she has bumble foot and my dh needs to do some lancing. It is warm to the touch.

The other still doesn't look like anything is wrong. When I looked at pics of Mareks, it doesn't look like that at all. She has been more off by herself, but still scratching and free ranging. She shivers when I pick her up and feel her foot. The only thing that looks remotely odd is some of her scales look like they are more...dry? A little darker? And it does feel like that leg is more warm. But I can't tell if that is normal for their scales on their legs to be a little funny sometimes.

And the one who is tail tucking...I read she could be egg bound. I lifted her vent, but, honestly, I don't know what I am looking for! I felt around to feel if there is anything hard and it doesn't seem so. It is just so weird!

Another question...they are two and a half...could it be that they are nearing the end...? :(
Okay, because someone I spoke with who raises chickens said that they were getting old. :/

The one who was limping is still limping, but it is less pronounced. I am hoping that is a good sign, since the woman I spoke with that told me they were getting old said something about one of hers limped until the other chickens killed it. :(

The one whose tail feathers are down are still down. I can't see anything that seems off. I have felt around for an egg in case she is egg bound, but I don't really know if I am doing it correctly! Does anyone know of a link to what you should look for/feel for?

Other than some molting, everyone else seems to be in good health and spirits and they all seem happy and content eating. :rolleyes:

Who knows?!

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