Limping chicken with red feet/ankles


In the Brooder
5 Years
Dec 21, 2014
My very large Buff Orp hen, about 30 weeks old, went lame two days ago. She has been laying around and hobbling as needed. I soaked her feet and after a close inspection, found no sores or bumblefoot. Checked her abdomen for an egg after soaking her vent which was pulsing and contracting a lot. She is still pooping and it varies between hard and watery greenish. She doesn't seem to have any obvious bulge of an egg. She is panting and her tail seems to be up in the air. She is eating treats well, but not her layer pellets. I brought her outside today and she foraged and hobbled along fairly well. (I kept her isolated). Her feet and ankles seems to be much redder than the usual pink and very slightly swollen . Any advice on what this is and how to proceed? Thanks!
Thank you for the response bantamFan!!! I looked it up and couldn't find anything solid about treatment and prognosis for the rest if the flock? How is it contracted?

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