Link to telling sex of Rhode Island Red Rooster and Hens

Are you sure? Ive had chicks with black lines on their heads that turned out to be rooster.
I went to TSC at least three times when they had chicks this year and they never had what I wanted. After April, McMurray only requires a 15 chick min. and that's what I ended up getting. I got mostly RIRs, 3 Black Australorps, a couple of Barred Rock, a couple EE, and a couple New Hamp Red, with all but two of the whole order being female [I wanted to raise my own RIR roo, so I got two, just in case, and if they both make it, one can be for meat].

The cost per chick averaged out to $4.50, with Marek's vaccine and shipping factored in, and to me, it was worth it to get what I really wanted. Now that I see all the posts about sexing errors and breed errors from chicks people got at TSC, I am really glad I held out. I'd be furious if I bought pullets and ended up with half of them roosters instead, even if they were a bit cheaper. :(
I have (i think) 4 rhode island hens, they have the rounded feathers and I looked and tried to sex them to make sure, but 1 in particular is noisy and load, and makes a morning rooster noise between 530-7pm, it will go after me if appoached, they are all 17 weeks old. they all look alike and they were extras the hatchery sent with my order or warmth. I dont know what to do. I dont want chicks, only wanted eggs from my girls. any suggestions??
Yeah, these don't really look like RIR to me either. All of that white, and the red is pretty light. They look like ISA brown, comets, whatever you want to call them. They are a RIR and other (leghorn maybe) hybrid that are really reliable layers. Every hatchery has a little bit different "mix" in their redish hybrids, but they all tend to be good layers, not broody, and pretty calm as far as chickens go.
I am a first time chick owner and I have had them for about 3 weeks. Your explanation has by far been the easiest but mine are loosing their feathers and I can't tell if there is a line. I believe I have a rooster and a hen because of their tail but I was wanting a second opinion. What does everyone else think?
I am a first time chick owner and the one with no tail feathers is very squawky to touch and when handled. The smaller one with the hint of black tail feathers is very calm, sweet and loves to be touched. Very unlike a rooster, I think. Can I have anyone's input?

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