Little Giant incubator piece of crap

I agree 100%!! If you don't want the LGs, send them to me!! lol

I have 3...I use 2 as incubators and 1 as a hatcher! Never had a problem with them! I also have 1 Hovabator that I use for incubation.
TayFray! :

I have a little giant with eggs i just put in 3 days ago, the temp keeps spiking omg, i think im gonna get a hovabator instead, they are cheaper anyways! And i have heard good things about them, can i still take the eggs out?? maybe?

Is your incubator in a room that has a constant temp? It works best in a room that is between 68-72 degrees.​

I purchased it used two years ago (would take another or ten), and it was USED when the gal I purchased it from got it (she used it for 3 yrs she said). Has the fan and turner.

It is in the closet under the stairs - little air temp flux under there.

It has been set and forgotten

I just add water, remove undeveloped eggs, and hatched chicks.

Ok, I do have to increase the temp a tad in winter and decrease in summer. But easy smeasy.
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I have an LG that I use as an incubator and have had great luck with it once I put it in a room with little temperature variation. I even went out in Feb and bought another to use as a hatcher cause I had so many eggs in there that were set at different times. In fact, right now I have 29 silkies and 8 duck eggs going (different bators). All 29 silkies are developing normally and 6 of the 8 duck eggs are too! I am very happy with those results with the duck eggs because they were shipped and some had scrambled air cells.

I am happy with my LG's. I think you will run into problems with any bator that isn't on the level of the cabinet style. If I got a cabinet bator I think my husband would leave me because I already hatch out way to many chicks with my LG's!
Is your incubator in a room that has a constant temp? It works best in a room that is between 68-72 degrees.

that is true, even my 3 sprtsmans work best when there is no big ambient temperature swings.. However, they adjust themselves to the changing temps..

when I was running 8 LG/Hovas at a time.. I had them lined up on my work bench in the garage.. No control over the daytime or nighttime temps here is wisconsin.. I still hatched turkeys, ducks, geese, chickens, guineas and quail all spring and summer...

looks like the OP will have to change the heading on this thread .LOL
I have run a battery of 8 of them at a time,, I also run 3 sportsmans.. I must be a lucky blind squirrel, because all of mine run just great..

just because you cannot figure out how to make one work, don't assume that they are no good..

I write on them that they work and that is as far as I go. The ones I have sold do work and do hatch but when you get 30% in one and 85% in another side by side you gotta figure the one has to go besides what they go for at the action is hardly a big loss trust me, if I was selling it retail I would probably disclose more info.. I bought the Sportsman because I won't pay more for my eggs than what I paid for my incubator.
Anyone else think its kinda wrong to sell/auction something that you know doesnt work? Sorry, not trying to be snippy, Im sure you told the buyers they didnt work right.
I have 2 LG incubators. One almost 20 years old and another about 7 years old. Both work well when adjusted and kept in the basement which has an almost constant temp. I also bought a Hovabator Genesis that is incredible but over 3 times as expensive. Sorry you had bad luck but LG are not junk but the Hova 1588 is better (but much more expensive.) My hatch rates are the same in both brands of incubators.
Hi! I guess they are like anything else --- there are *lemons* once in a while.
I've been happy with all my Little Giant incubators. A couple were bought new, but most are/were second-or third-hand.
The only real complaint I have is they don't hold enough eggs!


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