Lock down and I'm nervous!

April- We are having chicks together.
Good luck and I wish you tons of chipmunk's. The 1st must have just hatched when I got up at 6:30 am and the 2nd hatched a 9AM. They were both yesterday's pip's. 2 more pip's today and 8 on standby.

They are stll wet but they are very silvery.


They both have vaulted skulls.

Bigstack- Thanks for sending the good hatching vibes. They're working.

Chkinut- Send more good pipping vibes to you...c'mon little pipper's.

kaffleck- Today's our day. Happy pip & zip day to you...

i had to laugh when i read your post.....cuz that's what i've been trying this morning. so far i DO have a pip though! yea!! only one. but it's better than nothing. it pipped at 8:45 this morning....so zipping yet....but the pip keeps getting bigger over the hours. no egg shell has fallen off yet though. i'll hear an occasional peeping too. i'm guessing he'll be out before i go to bed tonight. how's everyone else?
Brenda- The Porcelains will look like this when they dry.The reddish one in the middle.

This is a Lavender, they will be silver/greyish.

Lavender in the middle she was Best Lavender & Best AOV at the Susquehanna Show last week!
I have 2 out now! The 2nd pipper is still just pipped - beak out and breathing but very lazy! Humidity is good so I think I'll give it to the morning and then give it a hand when I remove the other 2 if nothing doing. It's like it's forgotten what to do! The other egg no pips yet although early still. But if I get 3 out of 4 I'll be happy. Will post pics when I move to the brooder cos I'm just going to get flash glare and condensation if I try now.
Oh my goodness BB! They are a stunning bunch! What breed is the grey and black stripey chick to the right hand side of the top pic?
I'm debating whether to get on and clean the brooder whilst the kids are asleep, only it's 11pm here now and feeling like my bedtime too. Guess I best get on with it. Sooner it's done and all that....will give it time to dry properly overnight.
- Kirstie
Congrats everyone!!! They all look GREAT!!!! Thats so cool!!! I love lil fuzzy Butts!!!
Way too Go!! Every body has done so good!!!

God Bless!
We've all been were you are! at one time or another we have all had those Oh sh!t moments. But that is why we are all here. We support and help each other because we have all been there. At one time we were all new and knew nothing. We all know how heart breaking it can be to put so much time, care, and love into a set and get nadda. If we all come together and share our good and bad results we can improve all of our knowledge and help reduce the mistakes made. Thus improving the hatches and lives of our lil cute fuzzy butts! Thank ya'll for being good chickie moms!

Good luck and God Bless!
I lost the pipped one. I tried to help it a bit last night. I swear it didn't breathe for about 5 mins and then gave a gulp. I kept it damp and put it back in the 'bator but no sign of life this morning. I didn't want to totally shell it last night in case it was doing something vitally important in there. Live and learn, eh?
The hatched chickies are doing well. Still nothing from the last egg.
Bigstack, this forum has helped so much. I've learnt so much since last Autumn when I first got the incubator.
- Kirstie

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