Lone wild turkey and single domestic chicken are buddies!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 29, 2010
New England
Here is my hen, Chocobo, that has attracted the attention of a lone wild turkey in the neighborhood. He has been hanging around for a few weeks now. Although he can't get to her since she is inside a pen, he still hangs out right next to it and they are friends. Who knew a wild turkey and a domesticated chicken could be such good friends?



I wish I had better pictures but this is taken outside my kitchen window this morning with my camera phone (the coop is right up against the back of my house)
Very sweet!

This past spring I was surprised to see 3 young bucks (deer), a tom turkey and a ruffed grouse all traveling together through my yard. I thought it was just a fluke until they returned several days later. The strangest part of all...the turkey seemed to be leading them. Strangest sight I have seen in my yard, yet.
I get 3 crested pigeons, 2 feral and a sulfur crested cockatoo coming to mine
I think they are friends...

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