longest incubation time


7 Years
Aug 7, 2012
Eastern Washington State
I have some eggs in the incubator - one group is at 34 days the other at 30 days. I know I had too low a temperature for most of the incubation period. (discovered much too late). Now I have had 2 Indian Runners hatch and seem ok (they were at 31 days from the first group, 2 that I helped with pretty poor results - they look like they are "premie babies" -- and a bunch more eggs. I candled them, 3 still have some movement, 5 had no movement (2days running) - so I opened one of the No Movement eggs thinking it was probably dead in the shell, but the poor little thing gasped for air - but obviously not ready to hatch - large yolk and tiny duck. What I am wondering is how long should I continue? I was going to take out the no movement ones, but put them back after I opened the one and it looked like it still was trying to develop. Any advice would be much appreciated.
I believe my thermometers were off by at least 3 degrees so it could have been as low as 96 -98 most of the time. I checked the humidity - during the incubation it was mostly around 50% -- now I think I have it up about 80% and the temp is closer to 99.

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