Loocking for marans eggs


15 Years
Jan 27, 2009
Palmetto GA
My incubator is small. Ineed 4 marans eggs-black coper,birchen or weten I will aepreciaet any help
Welcome to BYC!!!

If you haven't hatched anything out of your 'bator before and want to hatch something I'd recommend warming it up with eggs less than the uber expensive marans eggs. Just a thought.
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I agree try hatching out something else first then move to Marans plenty of people around have them for sale though.
No promlemo my man, my pleasure.
PM me your address and I'll send you some fertilized buckeye eggs, you can practice on them. I got so many fertilized eggs they literally are coming out of my nose. I have 100+ hatching in the next 4 days. with every hole in my sportsman incubator crammed with a fertilized egg. It's too much fun not to crack them babies out.
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BuckeyeDave,I saw your buckeyes.They are very nice.Beautiful color.I bougt marans eggs from BYC member Are you fiding your birds game birds scrach feed
i'm glad you got some eggs they are just plain fun to hatch. I actually have a very good friend at the local feed store who hooks me up with a 5 grain with soybean meal scratch grain mix, the birds eat it up like it was crack.

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