LOOK What We Got Today....!!!

He does look part Saint. Maybe that's why he's so cute. Not that the pups from those other two breeds aren't adorable, but he's just precious
So cute. What a great find.
I am getting a Pyrenees puppy next month.
Good one! We'll make a point of doing the corrections like that! Right now, he's into "oh, I just love you so much I have to nibble on you"... with his sharp little teeth. Puppies. Chew toys galore and he wants to nibble on my hand!

We used to raise Service Dog for Canine Companions. Since he's still very much a puppy, don't leave him unsupervised! EVER!! Much like children, they will get into things they're not supposed to the second you turn your back. Keep him on a short leash until properly introduced to the flock and when he's got his manners and obeying you down pat. Even if you're sitting at a desk, tied to the computer, tie him down beside you or you'll have potty accidents all over the house or end up with chewed up seat cushions or whatnots!!

I'd also strongly suggest crate training! Used to think that was "cruel and unusual punishment" until the CCI program (where it was a requirement for all their puppies to be crate trained), but now I'll swear by it! Can't say enough good things about it. This gives him his own "room" for when he's feeling overwhelmed or you need him out of the way for a short spell. Rule of thumb here is for every month of age he is (i.e. 4 mos) you can keep him in the crate for an hour (which would equate to 4 hours at this age). They won't soil in there as that's their sleeping quarters. Just be sure to let him out for a potty break accordingly!

When you do let him out for potty breaks? Pick a one syllable word you like associated with it. We always used "Hurry!" (per CCI) and they eventually learned what we wanted them to do by association. When our CCI dogs heard this word, they didn't mess around with sniffing to find the right place to go - they just assumed the position and went! If they didn't actually have to go, they'd do their squat and then just stand up and look at us like, "Okay, I'm done already!" This will help you on so many levels when you're out walking him or giving him a break at night just before bed time. He won't necessarily dilly dally around.

Use TREATS TREATS TREATS!!!! Doesn't so much matter what it is (as long as it's not chocolate or grapes), as long as it grabs his attention and holds it!

We always used one syllable commands "Sit" "Stay" "Come" "Don't" "Crate" (these are just examples) - makes it so much easier for them to follow what you have to say at this age. Be sure to correct him immediately if he does something he's not supposed to! Get a long reaching squirt bottle and fill it with 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 water and keep it handy at all times. If he does something you don't want him to do, tell him "Don't!" very firmly and squirt him with it. If he's in site, you can reach him from just about where you are with it too! (it also works on mouthy teenage kids!
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