LOOK What We Got Today....!!!

He's tooooo adorable!!! My daughter just saw his photo and got all mushy
He's really cute, and his personality comes out so much in the photos. You got a good'un
Thanks, everyone! He really is a gem.

So far, Max has learned:




"Good Boy"


...and he has learned not to bite.

Today, he defended us from 3 big scarey 4th graders walking down the road - with growling and barking!
Oh my gosh! Max found his big boy voice this morning! We are so proud of him. At 3.5 months, he's already a bonafide LGD.

We were having breakfast when Max rips out with this bark I've never heard and doesn't let up. The chickens all head for the coop and we jump up to see what's up.

Well, on the back corner of our property we see two shadows turning tail and hoofing it out of the big ferocious Max's territory.

We didn't know he had it in him - yet. But he's definitely born, bred and behaving like an LGD!
Yes they do - and I had a breeder tell me the other day that Max is Anatolian and Pyr, which is what I originally thought. Then, we started thinking he was part Saint B too.

Whatever he is, he is perfect!

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