Looking for Guinea Pigs in East PA


10 Years
May 6, 2009
Allentown, PA
I just got a young guinea pig and I need a buddy for him...does anyone know of any breeders or other sources for guinea pigs near Allentown, PA? I would appreciate any help!

I am...but I don't want an American.......and that seems to be all that's ever on there. I am more interested in a satin texel, satin teddy, or something interesting like that. The boy I just got is a texel abyssinian and he looks like a cross between a schnauzer, a poodle, and a guinea pig...his name is Schnoodle Pig....although he also looks like a miniature bison...lol I honestly never really liked guinea pigs...AT ALL...until I found him. I have NO interest in an american or regular abyssinian...they just don't appeal to me.

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