Looking for Partridge Plymouth Rock Breeders


Free Ranging
13 Years
Oct 16, 2010
I'm in search of standard bred Partridge Rocks large fowl. In the States I can only think of Dick Horstman off the top of my head and in searching internet found nothing nor did a search here find anybody.

Looking for contacts, websites, etc. of good quality standard bred birds. Any suggestions?
They sound like a beautiful goal! Such a pretty color and I love Rocks. :love

I would consider ordering a BUNCH (not less than 30) from hatchery and selecting the absolute best of those that meet your goal. That is what I have had to do on occasion at least when I can't find quality in a breed of interest. :fl

Have you checked any Rock breeder club websites?
They sound like a beautiful goal! Such a pretty color and I love Rocks. :love

I would consider ordering a BUNCH (not less than 30) from hatchery and selecting the absolute best of those that meet your goal. That is what I have had to do on occasion at least when I can't find quality in a breed of interest. :fl

Have you checked any Rock breeder club websites?
They don't have a club, I looked. I know there is a major apa breeder in Alberta but I cannot find him to save my life.
Precision Plymouth Rocks looks great but sadly they are in Ontario. Looking for people in the United States. It's far too expensive and an ordeal crossing international borders.

Yeah, all the Plymouth Rock fancier/Club sites are non active- defunct.
Precision Plymouth Rocks looks great but sadly they are in Ontario. Looking for people in the United States. It's far too expensive and an ordeal crossing international borders.

Yeah, all the Plymouth Rock fancier/Club sites are non active- defunct.
Hm, so I was half right.
I suggest you try your state's Facebook.

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