Looking for winter hardy chikens - Ontario

Alright and
great to have you here

We are Russian Orloff's and we survive in Siberia that is some
place in Russia I do believe it is cold their and we do tend to
produce eggs year round but as we get older we slow down
just like the rest of the chickens do ......
Glad you joined us! Wyandottes, Ameraucanas, and Chanteclers are all cold hardy birds that, with their small combs, are not usually susceptible to frostbite.
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you. X2 on Bantamlover21's information; all of those birds should be hardy in cold weather. Get birds with rose combs or pea combs, and stay away from birds with single combs if you're looking for cold hardy birds.
Welcome to BYC! I was going to suggest Chanteclers too.^^ They were developed to handle Canadian winters. True Chanteclers only come in white, apparently, so they aren't ideal for ranging. Partridge Albertans would be an alternative if you needed a color better suited to free ranging. They are miss classified as a color variety of Chanteclers, but were actually created separately. I've never had any of either breed but I've long admired them.

http://www.hawkhillfarm.ca/heritage poultry.htm

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