Looking to interview people for a school paper


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 19, 2008
WE have to write a report on a local subculture. I thought it would be fun to do urban chickens.

I would like to interview, online of course, some of you who own chickens in town.

Let me know a time when we can set up a chat. It will be short.
Hey, don't bump!

You can PM people you might like to interview. Also, I think you might get some rich data by simply quoting people's comments in threads. I took a graduate course that allowed students to use online data because it is in the public domain. No need to get permission to quote or go through a human subject committee.
Our city just past an ordinance allowing four laying hens. I was so happy until I found out that they were considered a part of the over all 4 pet limit. I cant get any because I have two cats and two dogs.
Isn't it amazing you can have your own home and someone else can tell you how many animals you can have? I guess it's so it doesn't get out of control but I don't know if I could handle that!
For starters, noone knows where you live, that would be helpful.

If nothing else, call your local feed store and talk to them or go up there and wait to meet other people.

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