Looks Like A Sore On Back Of Pekin Duck , Size Of Quarter ?

Can you recommend a good food, diet for them? When Cher was laying her eggs, some friends of hers went and got some kind of calcium rich supplements: shells I think. We worried that she was "egg bound;" I (and my wife) broke open one of her eggs to see if it was a double yolk: supposedly a sign of "egg bound." Her yolk was beautiful, single. We took a beautiful photo of it - then, because we couldn't imagine any other way, we buried the yolk out back. Got a video of that.
Yes, reading what you wrote, I could see all three of them very happy if they were loved and cared for by someone in a safer environment. It would have to have lots of freedom and adventure though.
No luck yet on a vet. Ones I've talked to have worried about maggots. Looking like I'm gonna have to capture him and take him physically to a doctor. I've been asking if there is someway I could put antibiotics in some food: try and treat it from the inside out, avoid any trauma.
I'll include Pics of Cher's great yolk.

Thanks again,

Marty ( .... and Sony, and Cher, and Sheldon - aka The Big Guy, my wife Kati and... drum roll... my dog Maddie.)
Can you recommend a good food, diet for them? When Cher was laying her eggs, some friends of hers went and got some kind of calcium rich supplements: shells I think. We worried that she was "egg bound;" I (and my wife) broke open one of her eggs to see if it was a double yolk: supposedly a sign of "egg bound." Her yolk was beautiful, single. We took a beautiful photo of it - then, because we couldn't imagine any other way, we buried the yolk out back. Got a video of that.
Yes, reading what you wrote, I could see all three of them very happy if they were loved and cared for by someone in a safer environment. It would have to have lots of freedom and adventure though.
No luck yet on a vet. Ones I've talked to have worried about maggots. Looking like I'm gonna have to capture him and take him physically to a doctor. I've been asking if there is someway I could put antibiotics in some food: try and treat it from the inside out, avoid any trauma.
I'll include Pics of Cher's great yolk.

Thanks again,

Marty ( .... and Sony, and Cher, and Sheldon - aka The Big Guy, my wife Kati and... drum roll... my dog Maddie.)
I understand Mazuri water fowl feed is excellent, it's not available all over the country though but maybe where you live, and can be floated on water so if where they live the water isn't running fast that may work. I use an All Flock feed with my flock since I also have chickens along with ducks and geese, Purina makes one called Purina Flock Raiser it will sink so would have to be fed on land. There maybe other water fowl feeds I'm not aware of any though. But checking on line or in the feeds stores in your area you may find other brands.

Cher's yolk looks very rich. Oyster shells is probably what they bought I use them with my egg layers since I don't feed a layer feed to my flock. That really didn't look nasty like an infection that could have maggots, but if you could catch him and get someone to take a pic while you hold the feathers up away from it we could tell better. You don't want to do antibiotics randomly with out knowing what your dealing with not all antibiotics treat the same ailment. and antibiotics can cause their own problems GI upset for one. If he'll eat out of your hand catching him for a few minutes to get a good look at what going on and snapping a pic wouldn't stress him out to where he would hate you, he's get over it pretty quick.
You know if you could really get a pic of this ,I am wondering if it could be an inflamed or infected oil gland now that I looked at the pic again.
If you can get a human helper, it shouldn't be too hard to catch him. You offer him food from your hand, then your helper comes up from behind, and presto! You've got the duck for inspection and/or vet visit. Do expect and plan on a ton of wing flapping, just stay calm and try to carefully wrap your arms around the duck. Another option would be to set up a sort of coral, where you can sort of tighten up the circle to catch the duck that way. If you do end up taking the drake to the Dr, you will want to also bring the duck, for his sake, just to provide him companionship.
I'll post more photos of where the sore is, and I'll research: infected oil gland.
What an epic concept: not only getting a hold of Sonny - but also Cher... And, Sheldon (The "Big Guy") the Chinese White Goose who has always looked over them could die of worry if they were gone. Probably best to leave Cher & the Big Guy while Sonny at least has me and everyone with him - comforting him. Whole thing is so heartrending.
Sometimes, recently - while Cher was stressed and sick with egg laying - Sheldon the goose and Sonny would bicker a bit - nothing we saw that ever seemed serious, but the goose is tall enough and all to bite down perfectly at that angle. Sonny is (especially a few weeks ago) getting into intense fights while trying to keep mallards from "raping" Cher. They also had a huge (it seems to us) adventure where they relocated to a whole other part of the canal. They either had to let themselves through a raging canal lock or walk down a path about 200 yards where they would have vulnerable to all kinds of stuff. Big story (at least to us) where Cher - first - was alone in this separate area of the canal, then, one night, appeared back in her old area but blocked off from Sonny and Sheldon by - for some reason - angry canada geese. Nothing we could do could bring them together including an amazing attempt (it seemed) by my dog Maddie and her two geese friends Novio & Poca (really, not kidding, its own long story) clearing a path for her along the bank through the mean geese... she got really far that way but panicked and turned back. Next day, they were all found way down the part of the canal that Cher had discovered as if she had managed in the night to get back to them and to get them to follow her to her new land. It is much more peaceful where they are now.
Seeming like this should all wait till Monday - a weekday when the vets have office hours. Not making much headway with local avian vets - just: grab him and bring him in.

Thanks again,

Just after the brutal winter started ending, about a month ago, first time the three of them came running down the path to me. This probably would have happened sooner but I walk with my dog Maddie offleash and last summer in the water only Cher was so bold to take food from right next to her. Somehow over the winter they all decided that Maddie was "family." Maybe because they've known her so long and / or appreciated her coming with me everyday through the mean winter months. Whatever, this was a magnificently surprising moment for me. Now, it's just about everyday. Today was the first day where they attempted to follow me and Maddie home "Don't leave! Don't leave !" Sheldon - the "Big Guy" has been a major star of the canal / towpath for years, Cher & Sonny not as much. Cher became a favorite of mine last year - because of how brave she was in the water with my dog Maddie. But now, it's all Sonny - even before he got the sore. Its just so moving to me how brave he has to try to be - up against and out matched and out numbered by all the mallards and Swedish Blues. Notice, it's Sonny out front in this pic - leading the charge to me.

From the one pic I've found so far - posted it turns out on this forum somewhere - it DOES look like an infected oil gland. Problem is: the pic is too close up, can't tell exactly where the oil gland on a duck is.
SO ANGRY that nowhere can I find an example of where the oil gland is located. All photos are too close up.
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