LOS ANGELES county CA under bird quarantine :(

This was the announcement:

To Whom It May Concern:

On behalf of the Pacific Poultry Breeders Association (PPBA) we regret to announce the cancellation of our annual poultry show which was scheduled for February 1-3, 2019 due to the status of our state dealing with Virulent Newcastle.
Much effort has already gone into preparation for this event and so it makes this decision even more difficult at this late date. In addition, we already have financial obligations, being this far along in our show planning, that unfortunately will cost our club many thousands of dollars.
PPBA takes pride in the history of our event and we always strive to produce a top-notch show that everyone can enjoy.
We understand all the hard work each exhibitor has put into breeding, hatching, brooding and growing out show quality birds to bring and share in our event each year along with all the practice hours the youth have done preparing for the competition.
Again we apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to offering future shows for all to enjoy.

PPBA Board of Directors
So do they euthanize even if they aren't infected?
this is my fear, my understanding is that IF there is a bird that tested positive, within the 3 mile radius ALL birds will be put down.
The only way i can come to terms is to use strict bio security for my birds...(including ONLY coop boots in the coop/run) and ensure different shoes for feed stores (i have an extra pair of flip-flops that i only use for the store). it helps me feel better. i feel powerless, but this gives me a feeling of control. I have also come to terms that i might get that knock...but i dont know how i am going to tell my son if this happens. love to all.

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