Losing my baby chickens

The "recommended temperatures" are just a guideline.
95-90F the first week, then reduce heat by 5 degrees each week.

Even though I do put a thermometer in the brooder, I watch behavior, that is much more accurate for chicks than a gauge ever will be.
IF they are huddling under the lamp and peeping like mad, they are too cold.
IF they are avoiding the heat all together, they are too hot.
Chicks should be active - they should be eating/drinking, they should be going to the warm spot, they should be running all over the place, then they should be sleeping like they are dead.

Do what you can to keep them hydrated. Fresh Corid water daily if that is what you're using - better yet, change that water at least a couple of times a day.

Food, fresh daily. If you are giving them a wet mash, give just a small amount and put out fresh a few times a day as well.
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The "recommended temperatures" are just a guideline.
95-90F the first week, then reduce heat by 5 degrees each week.

Even though I do put a thermometer in the brooder, I watch behavior, that is much more accurate for chicks than a gauge ever will be.
IF they are huddling under the lamp and peeping like mad, they are too cold.
IF they are avoiding the heat all together, they are too hot.
Chicks should be active - they should be eating/drinking, they should be going to the warm spot, they should be running all over the place, then they should be sleeping like they are dead.

Do what you can to keep them hydrated. Fresh Corid water daily if that is what you're using - better yet, change that water at least a couple of times a day.

Food, fresh daily. If you are giving them a wet mash, give just a small amount and put out fresh a few times a day as well.
Ok thanks
I got 10 baby chicks about a week ago. Since then I have lost five of them. I do not know why I am losing my baby chicks I thought it was the mother killing them so I took her out of the pen that had the babies in it. I put a heat lamp in there to keep them warm and I found another one dead. Can anyone help me before I lose anymore I don't know why my perfectly healthy chickens are dying

the baby chicks are about 4 weeks old. The hen that I had them with hatch them. But I took her out of the pen so it's just the babies by themselves now

thanks. I am dawn to 3 babies now. I am starting to think they were sick when I got them from the sale.

I am so confused. First they are about a week old and your hen hatched them, then they are 4 weeks old and you got them from a sale?

Regardless-- they are not fully feathered, they likely need a warmer area available to them. Make sure everything is clean clean clean-- wash you hands frequently, change out bedding daily, wash waterer often. Good luck.

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