losing neck feathers


Jan 3, 2020
Hi. I just noticed that one of our hens is losing her feathers under and around her neck. I'm trying to figure out why this is happening and what to do about it. She is about a year old and she is reddish brown with black tipped wings (I'm sorry that I don't know the names for the types of chickens. I'm very very new at this).



p.s. I live in the SF Bay Area and live in a city, not on a farm, if that matters. Do folks usually call vets when their chickens have a problem?
Yes, I'll get a picture up tomorrow. It's not another hen I don't think. Maybe it is just molting. That's how little I know. Thanks for the picture idea. ;)
What are you feeding?
Organic chicken pellets, mostly. In addition, some scratch, meal worms once in a while, sometimes leftover produce, oyster shells (which they basically ignore) and egg shells. They also graze in my garden a few times a week.
I just noticed that one of our hens is losing her feathers under and around her neck.
One of my 16 months old Barred Rocks started to molt this week. Today I noticed the front her neck is bare. Will try to remember to take a picture tomorrow.
Four of my five Barred Rocks are molting. The other finished her molt a couple of weeks ago. Still waiting for her to resume laying. GC
Try leave out the scratch & leftover produce, continue with MW and higher protein "treats". She's a year old so it's also possible molting, the extra protein helps with the growth of new features. Reason few recommend protein when feather picking starts, feathers are "protein".
Yes, I'll get a picture up tomorrow. It's not another hen I don't think. Maybe it is just molting. That's how little I know. Thanks for the picture idea. ;)
Here's a pic today of latest hen to molt, 16 months old. 20200105_091923_resized.jpg . I noticed the missing neck feathers three days ago. GC

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