Lost my dog again!! Super sad and mad!

Have you taken him to a vet's office and see if he was chipped?
Ours did not charge for scanning a found dog.
Also, I think if you have made all possible effort to find the owners, you can relax and accept that fate sent you Mini.
Nature abhors a vacuum.
I still hope you find your girl. Not knowing is the worst thing.
I hope you are able to find your girl! Have you checked vet offices and local shelters to see if she turned up there?

Don't beat yourself up over it. Even the best of us can make mistakes (like leaving gates open) or lose our pets.

Hopefully you find her soon and when you do, you may consider microchipping her and your other dogs. I also agree with getting Mini checked for a chip, but if you have no luck finding an owner, then I'm glad he ended up with you!

As far as house training, have you considered crate training? It has worked wonders for all of my dogs, and they love their Crates.
No I didn't get him to the vet yet because that means to leave work 2 hours early and I can't afford that for a stray dog. I will go on saturday AM :) The vet closes so early in my small town.

If I find her, I'll put a GPS on her collar because if she's lost in the woods again, the microchip wouldn't help me. Or maybe I can have both, so if the GPS fails there is the chip to fall back on. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

Hey I didn't even think about people forgetting the fence open. It's true, having my fence doesn't mean everything would be perfect. That helps my moral a little bit. Thank you for pointing this out.

Yes I do crate Mini :) He is in my lost dog's cage (how convenient in a strange way). But after work I like to let him out a little bit. He is ok if I attach him to the living room table ;)
Oh I forgot to update you! YES :) :) On tuesday.

Wow, what a strange series of events. I don't know if it works the same everywhere, but here, we need to buy a pet medal from the animal control company that deserves our city our municipality.
Mine was called SCPE and I paid the medals since I have my house. Red medals.

The morning my dog fled, I immediately walked towards the woods at the end of my street. This is where we go for walks and runs so my dog usually goes that way, if set loose.
Well this time, NO! She went the opposite direction.

I was in a blue, plastic-like raincoat with a flashlight, it's 5:30 AM on a rainy morning.
A car sees my dogs, stops, takes her in and LEAVES! They didn't take a split second to look around.. I was there, just nearby with a FLASHLIGHT!!

I guess at that moment I was looking under a neighbour's deck or something, I never saw the car, never heard it.. nada.

Those people called the animal control and my dog went to that place.

The main issue is that we started 2015 with the old company, SCPE. In the course of 2015, we switched to A DIFFERENT animal control. My city changed its contract.
I didn't know it, since I don't read all the city assembly meetings.

When I found my dog I called the shelter. They told me my dog was never registered, etc. I said: Well yes, I have the red medals!!! I've been paying for years!
And the girl was so mad, ****** off, saying I was lying, etc. Her medal is not red, but purple, etc..

Not once did she mention: Hey by the way we have been deserving your area for just a few weeks, maybe you didn't know yet?
No! She was accusing me, yelling, saying I don't care about my dog since I don't have the medal, saying my dog was dying of hunger (she eats ONCE a day, at 5 PM.. she was not even DUE for a meal when they found her!!! She was not starving to death at all).

She publically humiliated me on facebook, saying all those lies.
I finally got my dog. I had to fill up paper standing up, outside, both feets in the mud, standing outside a big fence..
She asked for CASH.

So, so so strange!!!! It felt like a scam. I was not allowed inside that.. puppy meal is what I would call it. Not even inside the gates.
They didn't ask one single ID, didn't ask for signature.
They took my 300$ cash and gave me my dog.

I was so mad. Why does a shelter not return a dog to the address on her medal is a complete non-sense to me. They charged me 100$ for transport, they could have transported her to our address, CHARGE me the gas and that's it. We get our dog back, the shelter doesn't lose a bunch of time, no one is mad at anyone on facebook, etc..

I just couldn't believe it. If you are charging for transport ANYWAY, why not take a tiny detour to the address on the medal? Add 15$ to the fee if the address is wrong.. I don't know!

And those guys.. those guys... are the ones that REFUSED to help me with a cat problem (https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/936406/begging-for-helps-with-cats).
I live near a woman with 50 cats that kept attacking my dogs. For 18 months I have battled the city and tried to get help.
I started complaining when it was the "old" animal control company, but it lasted for so long that eventually it was THIS new company taking care of the animals in my town. I was sending information and complains to the city hall and they were talking with the animal control, so I didn't have direct contact at that point.

I can't believe it. I told them that the cats were attacking my dogs, that my dogs were afraid to go outside, that I couldn't leave them on leash outside, etc.
I told them the cats were inside a car (well, trailor.. or mobile home). Even in summer. They didn't care.
Now my dog walks 10 meters away from my door and it's a DRAMA! I'm a bad owner, I am cruel, I don't care for my dog, etc.

I swear, never in my life did I want to hit anyone. Never. I never understood people who fought. But I had to call my mom to come with me at the shelter or I might have killed the woman. I was SO SO MAD. How could they NOT CARE for 18 months about a major cat problem attacking THIS SAME DOG but make a huge drama over that dog being 10 meters away for its home for 10 minutes.

Ahhhh!!!!!!!!! I had to stop on the side of the road and cry about 15 minutes before I could drive, after getting my dog. The place was horrible. The odours, the noise, the fact I was standing outside a fence in the mud, like a prisoner. My car parked on the side of a busy road with lots of trucks (country side).. The woman kept screaming at me, even with MY CASH in her hands she was saying: Hey be nice, we don't have to give her back, we could have euthanized her.. she was yelling so much, and I just wanted my puppy!!! :( :( There was no reason to mention the euthanasia at that point, she had my money, I had driven like 2 hours.. just give the **** dog now!!!

And she was impossible to find. If you lose a dog, what do you google? Well, I am french but it was things like: animal control, shelter, adoption center, SPCA..
Her company is called Foundation Caramel.............


How the f... can someone find a company called "foundation" something, while looking for a lost dog?????

And I just couldn't believe my dog was found anyhow. I was SURE she was in the woods. I think even a 4 year old kid would say: Hey mom maybe we should try the address on the medal?
That a shelter doesn't think about that brings me to tears. I think she just catches dogs and sells them.

Mine was up for sale when I found her :( :( EVEN WITH A MEDAL WITH NAME AND ADDRESS!!!!!!!!

Some humans are so mean. No hearts.


And on the same day, the people came to get the pinscher! :) He lives across the fields from me, I can see their house (maybe 2-3 km away). The dog followed the machinery that was working the fields to harvest the crops.

They were happy that I kept him. They were happy to meet my lost dog also :) The girl told me she's help me get her back if the shelter refused to :) She was really nice.

Here is a family pic :)

I can finally sleep now. Wow. After I found my dog, I went to bed at 7:20 PM and woke up for work at 6AM hahaha. I am still very tired. We walked so much.. and last weekend it was hunting time that started, we walked a lot and were afraid.. I am happy she is back, the house is way better with her :)
.' I think she just catches dogs and sells them.'
sounds like a money maker to me.She picked up a dog that looked like it had value.
maybe the reason you were not allowed inside was because you might realize it is full of breed dogs and not mutts?

She went to no effort to contact you. That is wrong.
That is unethical.
Drama for sure and that lady must love to be in the middle of it since it was all avoidable, and the worry and anguish she put you though. It gave her a power trip.
Try to erase it from your mind, do not feed the thoughts. She was wrong. Be mad, but don't let it linger. Warn everyone you know that this happens.

I am so glad that the puppy found it's home and that you have your girl back.
did you get a receipt?
I imagine you were too angry to think to get one, That might be why she was so combative, she was in the wrong and had to get you defensive so she would not have to defend her actions.
this is so wrong.
I think just because animal control got sold off to private 'Foundations" It does not mean she should be doing this,
She is not competent at best- she is criminal at worst and is engaging in criminal actives.

I am mad. I just explained to my husband and he said you should call the police. (He is a dog person, one does not mess with his pets.)
He says it sounds like she is trolling for them to sell or to get ransom money.

I am glad you have your girl back.
No no, she gave me a receipt (written by hand).

I will warn everyone! I already printed out some papers to give to the animal owners around me. There is a nice little Beagle that walks about 4km to come and see me on saturday morning's. I'll tell his owners that it's dangerous now. And all my other pet friends and owners!!

I don't think the police can help. I will try though. I'm already in a frenzy trying to get my community together and change to another animal control. Our city took a 3 year contract with them, but there is no doubt I'll be part of the city meeting when they discuss the contract renewal.

In the city meeting details, it says there were 3 submissions from 3 companies. They took the cheapest..... I'd say "cheap" isn't the way to go with loved pets!!!

All the worry she put us through. Incredible. My almost 60 years old mom, my brother, me, my friends all walking through woods while it's hunting season. Someone could have gotten killed, or injured...

Overall, I am quite happy anyway.
I am happy I didn't over react with that woman. I was so mad, but I managed to call my mom, ask for help and not be mean towards her. I remained completely legal and polite. She DID NOT.
I am happy that I didn't assume the worst from the pinscher owner. I did the opposite of the crazy woman.
Even though the pinscher pooped and peed in his cage, cost me a bit of food, toys, and I was really tired to clean all of that, etc., I still didn't want to send him to a shelter. I took a good decision after seeing that shelter.

Two years ago, I would have reacted a lot differently! I am pretty proud of myself (OK, I did have 4 beers when I got home and took 2 days to get over it).

I am not mad anymore, just want to prevent this from happening to others!! :)

Thanks for your support :`)

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