Lost my flock of three chickens today....

She knows she is guilty of the crime.
She doesn't, you know, all she knows is that you are angry with her. She has absolutely no idea that it's because of what she did. I can understand how you feel about getting more chickens, but in time you might feel that you want to try again.
I am saddened to read of your loss. Our chickens- with- names are part of our family, too, and I know how disheartened you are. Sounds like you had a good setup and maybe with a little modification you could make it safer for a few more girls. I hate to see you give up with a broken heart like this.
I found Alice and Pojo this morning in the inner courtyard...apparently, my own dog was the culprit, had gotten through the inner courtyard fence. She ran right out this morning to Pojo's body, like she had accomplished a great feat. Dog never showed interest in them before. She is now on my *(#& list, and knows it. No din din for her today. I guess their hunting instincts can't be ignored.

Did you ever read the book "Marley and Me" by John Grogan? A few years ago they were on a segment of the Dog Whisperer, They had a new lab and were living near Emmaus PA. As Mrs. Grogan explained. "It's sad when one of your pets eats other pets." With training that dog was rehabilitated.
Depending, there is a good chance you could teach your dog to leave the chickens alone. There are a few dogs and some breeds that this is impossible, but hopefully that isn't your case.
So very sorry for your loss & knowing the culprit. IF you decide to try again, squirt bottle with a long range or garden hose (strong stream) will help teach your dog what it shouldn't do. Great to teach chickens where you don't want them going either. My dog (Chi/Terr) will chase the wild chickens that come into our yard but she leaves mine alone. There are times she wants to chase (dogs love the chase) but all I need to do is say "hey" and distract her. Dog proof your run/coop and with training everyone should get along :)
Well, due to things happening in our extended family, I rescued two birds, a Rhode Island Red and an Ameracauna..(SP). They seem to be getting along okay, I put the mutt in the house when I am not around to keep an ear out. Got four eggs from the RIR, nothing from the other one who is moulting.
I've lost a few to foxes and Hawks. If you free range it happens unfortunately. It hurts me to have this happen but unless you keep them locked up 24/7 it's a part of having chickens. Sorry for your loss.

can happen even if there locked up. just went through this. racoons killed all 3 of mine. and were in an enclosed 4x8 run and enclosed coop.
can happen even if there locked up. just went through this. racoons killed all 3 of mine. and were in an enclosed 4x8 run and enclosed coop.
How did they get in if you don't mind me asking. As I type this, two raccoons are probing for a way into my 4x8 run and coop.
The little sh*ts can't get in so far haha

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