Lovable Chick. Will she stay this way?

I have 5 chicks I'm brooding now who have decided that I am evil itself and they all scream and flee whenever I (or anyone else) nears them. I've never had a group (this is my 3rd) who have behaved like this.
One of my chicks used to be quite shy.
This might sound weird but to make her trust me, I would grab her and hold her up against my chest (against my heart) for a few minutes until she calmed down and fell asleep.
After days of that, she is now the cuddliest chick!!! It sounds strange but it works!
I had one chicken (out of 11) who was super friendly with me. She was my crooked beak chicken and I hand feed her for a long time as she needed to stick her whole face into the food in order to get any food. She would get a bowl of crumbles always. But she was the own who would see me (or anyone holding a cup or a bowl) and come running and jumping into our arms.

The rest of my chickens have generally been friendly treat beggars.

I have 5 chicks I'm brooding now who have decided that I am evil itself and they all scream and flee whenever I (or anyone else) nears them. I've never had a group (this is my 3rd) who have behaved like this.
well be patient. Our Lav Orpingtons acted like we were trying to kill them whenever we would need to pick them up to move them or do medical checks. They would run from us like we were the predators. One just hatched a clutch of eggs and she is now the friendliest of all the hens. It's like a switch went off and now she loves human contact. Her sister has slowly become more social and will now jump on my lap. You just need to let them come to you vs. trying to pick them up. It needs to be on their terms I've found.

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