Lovely Rhode Island Red Hen Free with Coup and Supplies


7 Years
Jul 14, 2013
Hi all,

My name is Nancy and I have had hens for the past 10+ years and am currently down to one. She is a 3 year old hen who is by herself and I feel so bad for her. I don't plan on any buying any new hens. She is free to a good home. She is an excellent layer (consistently 1 per day). She is quiet and is not afraid of people. You are welcome to my coop and the rest of my supplies which includes a treadle feeder. I live in Anaheim CA. I prefer of course that she will be with some fellow hen friends. Thanks!

Nancy Hampton
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I don’t live there, but I am very sorry you are getting rid of her. I hope you find her a good home! Are you getting any more chickens ever?

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