Lowest in the pecking order.

yeah maybe put some more feed buckets out. Also I would recommend you to hand feed her for a few days. You never know how many days of feed she missed.
yeah maybe put some more feed buckets out. Also I would recommend you to hand feed her for a few days. You never know how many days of feed she missed.
Been hand feeding the last two I’m thinking of bringing her in the house in a crate for a few days too. I had a hunch I may need to look at a bucket feeder. Might just make a new feeder with more capacity and length too.
I put food in different locations.

I have guinea fowls in the middle of the pecking order and they are quite mean to the chickens at the bottom of the pecking orders, to the point where the chickens will scurry away when the guineas come for food. A long feeder wouldn't resolve this, they are simply too nervous to eat at the same feeder. So I place another feeder behind a piece of board on the other end of the run. The board acts as a visual impediment for both the harasser and the harassed, and they all eat their fill.

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