Luna's New Kitten (singular)? PICS


thootp veteran
11 Years
Apr 10, 2008
Washington, PA
Our family cat Luna finally has given birth. But only to one kitten. Anybody ever heard of a cat having a litter of one? Its been 12 hours...

We had cat who had 3 kittens,then had a fourth two days later! The vet said it was not abnormal.You may still get more.Can you feel her belly?
I have no idea about an answer to your question, but want to say that is an adorable photo. Mom looks soooo content. The kitten looks pretty big for a newborn, which might happen if it were the only one.
What an adorable picture.

I have a cat who gave birth to one, 12 hours later she gave birth to a still born. That was the only 2 she had. Her first litter she had 3 live and one still born.

The most one of my cats had in a litter was 7!! It must have been to much for her. She left them at day 2 and I bottle fed all those baby's! The all lived and turned out to be great cats.
I have absolutely no clue how accurate this information is, but this is what I have heard.
A cat's uterus us divided into two distinctive sides. Each one developing separate from the other. Labor starts on one side and all are born then all are born from the other. This can be a day or more apart. Like I said, I just don't know, but the last stray cat that gave birth in my bathroom had two then one more almost a day later.
Well, she certainly is living it up as we await a possible additional birth. I just wish the kitten had at least one littermate to snuggle up to. Odd to say the least. Thanks for your stories. I had never heard of a sole birth or the possibility of multiple births being so far apart. Thanks!

I'll keep you updated...

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