We know hes mixed, because our pekins and muscovy never interacted with our other ducks. They had to be seperated due to fighting long before oreo was even born. They were penned and cooped seperately.

Thanks though. Love him to bits. Hes the most tolerant out of all our adolescent ducks.
6 week muscovy cutie hanging with her 8 week pullet buddy. It's so fun to see them interact. The duckling loves to nibble and groom her two pullet buddies. And UHG look how gross she manages to get her water in only one day! Sigh. At least my plants are thrilled with all the extra waterings they're getting from the nasty duck water...

6 week muscovy cutie hanging with her 8 week pullet buddy. It's so fun to see them interact. The duckling loves to nibble and groom her two pullet buddies. And UHG look how gross she manages to get her water in only one day! Sigh. At least my plants are thrilled with all the extra waterings they're getting from the nasty duck water...

View attachment 1832399
What a sweet pic!
6 week muscovy cutie hanging with her 8 week pullet buddy. It's so fun to see them interact. The duckling loves to nibble and groom her two pullet buddies. And UHG look how gross she manages to get her water in only one day! Sigh. At least my plants are thrilled with all the extra waterings they're getting from the nasty duck water...

View attachment 1832399
I agree, we have 6 adolescents and a giant tub of a duck pond, they get it dirty in just 2 days.

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