Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

Congrats on all the new chickies and good luck with the ones still hanging out inside their eggie homes
hello all!
i haven't had time to chime in but have been sneaking a look at your posts.

mahonri--congrats,i wasn't as stressed about my hatching as i am yours.i think the zanax recommendation would be a good idea.

everyone else-congrats to those who have hatching and good luck to those who are still waiting.

my kids have been sick for 2 weeks now and all this at the same time--argh!!!

i had 39 eggs go into lockdown and hatched 38 chicks.the little favorolle egg with air sac on the side didn't make it.he was fully formed but i think he may have drowned.he was kinda scrunched in an small space in a tiny egg.all mine were out by 12am on new years.i did help some out.i am like 'rustyswoman",when the majority has hatched the others should be right behind.i got pics but i still got to post them.
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Ohhh Blue Marans. Jealous here. How many pink chick are you hatching again?

17 Welsummers-
for everyone of these to hatch as my Welsummers suffered some fatalities last weekend leaving me with 1 pullet and 1 roo out of my breeding pen. Just so happened that I had 18 Wellie eggs in the 'bator, I WAS planning on growing the pullets out for replacements in the laying flock this summer when it's time to cull the old and the useless. WAS!

12 Marans - Blue, Blue Copper, Black Copper and Splash. I personally cannot have enough blue and splash birds running around in my flocks. Unfortunatley, its possible that 1 of the Marans eggs had a blood ring when I candled but its too dark to really tell.

Oh yeah....we have more pips in the Marans. No pips in the Wellies yet though several are rocking in the New Year!
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Time for the:

9:15 AM report

Day 21 will come to a close in less than three hours will LOTS of pips yet to go.

Total chicks out: 13 , 3 from Brinsea, 10 from 1588

Total pips remaining: 16, 5 from Brinsea, 11 from 1588 most don't seem to be progressing now, but humidity levels are still HIGH in the 1588 (well over 80% - with two wet chicks in there) and about 68% in the Brinsea... just not much room in the brinsea for chicks to move around.

There was too much chaos in both bators so I QUICKLY collected chicks and put 11 of them in the brooder box. Humidity levels after removal are as noted above.

So here are the first 11. 2 born last year about noon, the rest are New Year's Chicks!


Now I've had a chance to look them over I know what they are!

3 FBCM from Melissa (pasofinofarm) they are black with white wing tips.

2 GCM X Delawares (my coop2) They are dark chicks with a little bit of white around the hackles and top of their heads.

2 BW X BW Ameraucanas I hope at least one is a roo!

2 BW X W Ameraucanas from Jean (Pips&Peeps) one is a GIANT so I'm guessing roo.

1 BW X Salmon Faverolle (my coop1) this one is light with dark stripes down the back. Doesn't have 5 toes, but does have feathered feet and is a REAL cutie. Son and I argued over this egg He said it was the Faverolle, I thought it was a partridge cochin, but because it's so light, I'm guessing Faverolle. Are my genetics correct?

1 BW X Bearded Buff Laced Polish (my coop1) This was the pleasant surprise of the morning because her other two eggs were duds! Once they've had some time to settle down I'll get a closeup with my son's cameral.

In the hovabator are two BW X W chicks, one from Jean (the BW X W) and one from our hen that we named Long Jean cuz she lays long eggs. that's a BW X W also and it is HUGE! probably a roo!

Oh, and Jean we didn't name that one Long Jean because of you, all of the W/BW pullets that we hatched out from Melissa's eggs last year have names that start with "J". She was just Jean and then when she started laying those LONG eggs.

Well I'm gonna sit on my hands until 3 and then decide if I need to intervene with a few pips.
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Yeah and a big PTL!!!!! I'm so happy....I hope I'm the first to congratulate and say "Purty Picture"

Happy New Years!!!!!!!

You're so blessed already!!!!!!
to you and your family and the baby chickies!
Official Stats for my New Years Hatch. Sorry, I didn't keep nearly as good a record this hatch. Just too busy with the holidays and the Christmas Hatch.

Started with 10 Light Sussex. Discarded one early for blood ring then a couple of clears, followed by a few quitters, ultimately ending up with 5 viable eggs at lockdown. One was definitely underdeveloped and it did not hatch. The other four have finished hatching as of 8:00 a.m. this morning, Day 22.

So I guess my hatch rate on the ten shipped Light Sussex would be 40%. You know what? I am thrilled with that considering we had power outage lasting several hours with the eggs cooling to 84 degrees. I also think I was battling rough postal handling since we had all the huge U shaped aircells and a couple of detached aircells. So all things considered, I am happy with my little $13.75/ea Light Sussex chicks. Hey, its a lot cheaper than $35.00/ea per started bird I paid Greenfire Farms, although the are from that line. So I have a dozen Light Sussex. Now I just have to let them grow a bit and decide which ones I am keeping and which ones I want to sell.

Pictures forthcoming of the little clowns after #4 dries off.

By the way, I made a bootie for one of my little guys whose foot was turned under. he wore it all night and I took it off this morning. He is walking perfectly fine on the bottom of the foot! I'll keep a close eye that i doesn't twist again.

Good luck to those still waiting!

Mary and the Sussex

p.s. Edited to say I did intervene with the last chick this morning, Day 22. It was chirping but nothing else. I lost 9 on Day 23 during my Christmas Hatch, all perfectly developed chicks, just dead without ever pipping. Not wanting that to happen again I candled the egg and found the beak. I used a sharp tiny scissor t make a small opening in the shell. I understood immediately why it hadn't pipped. That was the hardest, thickest shell I have ever seen. It was difficult for me to get a hole going. I chipped away a little of the shell and suddenly his beak broke through the membrane. I put him back in the bator and within half an hour he was out flopping around, seemingly in perfect condition. I realize many people, myself included, would have advised sitting and waiting. I went with gut instinct and I think it was the right thing to do.
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Wow, I missed a lot in the last few hours. This thread suddenly got very active. Here are my results.

Well, I welcomed only 4 new Buckeyes into the world in the last 2 days. I have 1 more egg that looks good and I think there is movement. I lost one that had started and it got shrink wrapped.
If I would have helped it last night it probably would have been ok. I just didn't want to interfere too soon. Well here are some pics of the ones that made it.





Just for fun here is the first one pictured right after it hatched. It wore its "hat" for almost a whole day.
I didn't want to open the bator to help it take it off.

Mahonri, just a heads up that 3 of the Marans in my batch had pipped internally and not externally. So when you do go in there it would be a good idea to candle the unpipped ones before tossing. (You probably would anyway but just in case)

I couldn't even hear peeping from the unpipped ones until I broke open the aircell and there they were with their little beaks sticking out and quietly peeping.

You may have several more alive in there

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